Karma Reset

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Well-Known Member
no karma. but i had a seared steak with onions celery and mushrooms, served with pasta and garlic alfredo.

sounds heavy for lunch, but it was my dinner. goodnight RS~


Didn't get to Arby's. I behaved and ate the tuna and crackers I was supposed to have for lunch. It's bad enough with all the candy around here. LOL

I hear ya girl! Lean Cuisine pizza (more of an horse devour than a meal).

Allen :)
I just alow roasted a 14 pound tenderloin rubbed with brandied-peppercorns and chopped bits of fresh garlic to Medium-Rare. It will go on the slicer at 1/4 inch slices. I'm thinking of a nice Morel Sauce to accompany that.


Well-Known Member
Huh? Are we gettin' food now instead of karma? Only grilled chicken for me. I"m gonna turn into a chicken before this gall bladder comes out, I swear. And the doc's schedule is full 'till January!!! Chicken and rice and salad. I better lose some weight.


Well-Known Member
Yes now we are giving virtual food instead of karma. That could be fun. Can we get little pics of steaks and chicken etc? LOL


Well-Known Member
Or ribs.
I like the comment fairy. Karma will just spring leaks agen and the PM idea, well to say the least about it @#&$*% =#@^$#!!!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, after thinking about it, The comment only ( comment fairy ) thing is good. We get to get the good feedback witch we all like and thats what its all about. Travis, deploy the fairy!


Smile Maker
Sorry guys, but because of an imbalance running wild, I have had to reset Karma back to 100 for ALL MEMBERS.

What imbalance? Is there some kind of balance that we, the members, don't know about? Is there a magical ratio between # of posts and karma? Is there a magical ratio between date membership started and karma? If there is, we should be made aware of it so that we may act appropriately.

This will start us fresh on an even footing again, allowing karma to be given and received for the reasons it was meant: For doing things that add value to this community.

Who determins what is of value in a community this big? Is their a karma god somewhere that is restless?

IMO, this was a bold move to make in a community this size and for a site that relies on the kind hearts and pockets of others. You can state what the karma feature is about, but then it is up to the members to decide what is of value. For some, the commeraderie may be what they value. For others the advice. Personally, being the giving person I am, I liked being able to give karma to another members. I valued that. It's one of the things that made RS unique. How many other sites can one go to and give something other than advice or money.

For all those who are ticked off, or disappointed, that your karma is gone, I am truly sorry but if it were not stopped from running wild it would have become meaningless.

It became meaningless when powers that be manipulated the karma of certain members and made it negative to the millions then back to positive to the millions! That cheapened the process and made it look like it wasn't important and that it was able to be manipulated. The karma that others had gained was done in a legitimate fashion based on what each individual contributed to the community.

Asking for karma or giving it reciprocally, among many other things, is not the right way to use or think about this. If we abuse it, it loses all meaning and I simply turn it off.

Personally, I take offense to this. Treating members like childeren is not in your best interest. If we don't play right or your way, we don't get to play? That seems odd.

The only abuse that was evident was when moderators manipulated the karma of other members. That was bold and stood out. I thought giving karma was PRIVATE and no one should have access to that except the two members sharing the karma moment. Unless what I assume was private is being spied-on. So where did the members abuse the system????

On one hand I could care less if I had a karma meter. On the other hand, I feel like a benefit of membership, that I valued, was taken away. That benefit was being able to give!
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