Terry's 450g upgrade

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He's busy working on his Tank Controller so it doesn't interfere with the International Space Station and the current Space Shuttle Mission :)


Well-Known Member

We have been busy. We sold the 120g tank and stand. We sold the Outer Orbit light but I think we should have sold it to Sarah so she has a WORKING LIGHT! :D

We spent a couple of days cleaning up the living room, getting rid of the pipes that I ran up there, moving the birds around, stuff like that. I also got a new projector for the theater room to replace the broken one. STUNNING!!! That took a day to install and hook up, and figure out how to configure it.

Then we had a MONSTER storm roll through this afternoon and we lost electric. I had to dig the generator out of the shed because of BAD planning, it was stuffed in the back, behind a bunch of other stuff. We bought it last winter and I had never started it. I added oil and gas, hooked up the pumps for the tanks, and started it up. It started right up and I had flow going again.

You see, there were trees down all over the place, there were even major electric cables across route 7, which is a main 4 lane road, so I figured the power was going to be out for a while. Wouldn't you know, an hour after I got the generator going, the power comes back on. Oh well, at least I know it works now. :)

Now it's time to get SERIOUS about the stand for the 360g predator tank. That will be here a week from Saturday. :eek:


Also aren't you in charge of landing the Space Shuttle later this week with your controller?

In all seriousness glad it worked out for the good. Could have been a LOT worse!!!



Active Member
hey Terry, i'm glad yall sold the tank and hope you got a good price on it. thats cool that you had the generator for back up even if it was only for an hour. good to hear your starting on the new stand.


Active Member
good planning Terry...I don't even have any sort of backup device....I want to get like a battery backup for the tank but don't know if they make such a thing..something for an outage just in case summer it's the worst here in RI.


Smile Maker
I was wondering how you were doing out there! That was one violent storm! Tornado watches everywhere! A couple of trees down in my neighborhood.
Someone died in Annandale when a tree fell on their car.


Well-Known Member
Nice generator test!

Wow! the Pens have some goal tender. He was amazing Monday night!
But did you just see that puck go into the goal when Fluery sat on it!
Pop! Goooaaaallllll!


Well-Known Member
I'm glad your safe and sound! The last time I had to crank my generator I nearly jerked my shoulder out of the socket I had to pull so many times. I'm glad yours worked much better.


Well-Known Member
Scott, there were reported touch downs of tornados all around here. One in Berryville which is 10 miles west of there, another in Middleburg, about 10 miles south of here. This kind of storm is the main reason I LOVE not having really large trees close to the house. :D

I was actually SHOCKED (surprised, not electric shocked :lol: ) when I pulled on the cord for the generator and it started right up.


Scott, there were reported touch downs of tornados all around here. One in Berryville which is 10 miles west of there, another in Middleburg, about 10 miles south of here. This kind of storm is the main reason I LOVE not having really large trees close to the house. :D

I was actually SHOCKED (surprised, not electric shocked :lol: ) when I pulled on the cord for the generator and it started right up.

Man with the heat wave going on it's no wonder there are some MASSIVE storms building up. We set a record yesterday and will come close today.

Glad it worked out buddy! I'm seriously eyeing a generator here at work :) Just a small portable one for now.


Well-Known Member
Fortunately, we didn't need the generator for long but now I know everything works and I can keep the tanks alive. Not to mention, I can relax and watch a little tv too. :D

(that last one is for Barb... :lol: )

We got the legs cut, glued together, and angle iron braces installed for the predator stand. We have to let that dry until tomorrow evening. Non tank related, we finished ripping out the carpet in the theater room too. NASTY!!! YIKES!!! I can't believe we walked on that NASTY carpet. I went and scrubbed myself in the shower trying to get all the NASTY stuff off of me. It was just NASTY!

(did I mention that the carpet was nasty? :lol:)


Brunt of all Jokes~
carpet is so awful, we had the whole house done when we bought it, and now its all slate and hardwood, dogs and carpet bad combo lol


Well-Known Member
I was just going to say that dogs and carpet is a BAD combination. Not to mention, this is in the basement and we all know that cement seaps water, pretty much forever, so it had a lot of mildew in it.


Well-Known Member
I hear you Terry, I helped some friends out. They had just bought a house and had ripped out the carpet.
I used my cargo van to take it to the dump.
When I got back I told them the previous owner had a dog. ugh!
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