ptbmaniac's RSM 250 Adventure!


Got the packages,but only a few dwarf ceriths and a Nassarius made it. John is going to send replacements on Thursday. Hopefully it actually gets here overnight!!! The postal service did call and apologize,but that does not help all the dead creatures.


Found some kind of small tube worm! I have no idea where he came from! Also there is this small round white thing that puts out red tentacle things.It looks like a barnacle but never seen red filters.I have some small barnacles on some of the shells and they look different.



Any opinions on Torch,Frogspawn,or Hammer corals? I want to get 1 of these and would like opinions on which one I should get.


Well-Known Member
Any of them will be just fine. They are all pretty similar so find a specimen you like and go for it.


Well the journey is over right as it got started. My life situation has changed and I am moving across country. So I might start over again later on,but who knows when. I will still be around the boards. Thank you for all the help!


Well the journey is over right as it got started. My life situation has changed and I am moving across country. So I might start over again later on,but who knows when. I will still be around the boards. Thank you for all the help!

Bummer! This happened to me rather unexpectedly too, relatively soon after I had set up a fishroom with 20 aquariums. I had to break everything down and sell off my livestock in about 2 weeks. I made it back after my move, and I hope the same happens with you!


Well-Known Member
Sorry to see you go!! Good luck on the move and keep in touch with us!!


Active Member
wow, sorry to hear that... was great chatting with you all this time

Hey drop a line and let us know how your move went... for real.


I might get to keep the tank depending on if I can ship it in pieces. The book says that just the tank without the hood weighs 84lbs. Does that sound about right? If I send the tank,hood,and stand in 3 shipments I might be able to keep everything except the living things. That would save me a lot of time getting back in the game. Shipping it in pieces would be cheaper than starting all over. If I have to start all over it will be years. If I can't ship I will be heading back to the Freshwater hobby.


Princess Diana
Noticed You've been at least checking in, that's great!
Any decisions made as to if you're going to be getting to take your 250 tank with you now?
Did you cancel your LifeReef build?


They've seen a couple of these pop up in a few different places around the tank. I believe they are the bad ones. Any Opinions? should they get rid of them?



Active Member
The lfs did not have a whole lot of what I was looking for which is shocking,but I did pick up a grab bag. I did get 2 halloween hermits,5 electric blues,and a few other small hermits that I still need to identify.1 kind of looks like a zebra,but I know there are a couple that have black and white striped legs. I also got some snails.I was told that a couple were turbos and 1 was a pyramid or turbin. I am up in the air on that one though. Also a couple smaller snails. Maybe someone can tell by the pics.One of the snails has a tiny little buddy on him. I also have an order in with reefcleaners for the rest of the CUC. Some dwarf ceriths,Nassarius,Nerites,Florida Ceriths,a few more hermits,and lots of empty shells.
Also got some frags which was shocking,because the grab bag form only said inverts. looks like I got a mushroom,an open brain,and not quite sure on the other 2 yet. Also got a bottle of pods!

It looks like you're using the 'Acclimate Gently' to acclimate your live stock. I have the RSM 250C and I'm just trying to find out if it will work, with my tank. (I read in a review it wouldn't work in closed tank.)