ptbmaniac's RSM 250 Adventure!


Well I figure that it is time to start my tank thread! I am so excited as this has been 10 years in the making. I still have a little more work to do on the floor before I can get my tank up and running. It is hard to do anything quick as I have suffered a pretty bad back injury so this hobby is perfect for me as it is also slow going. I guess I will start with everything that I have purchased. It should be enough to get going.

The tank is a Red Sea Max 250. I have not set it up yet,but I do know that I have a scrape on my stand. Should be no big deal as I can just spray paint it. I already had "The Conscientious Marine Aquarist 1st Edition" and "Reef Invertebrates:An Essential guide to selection,care,and compatibility". I also purchased "The Conscientious Marine Aquarist 2nd Edition". I have subscriptions to every aquarium magazine that I could find and my wife and I also joined a local Reef Club. Should be good to go with that kind of thing as I also Frequent this website and others. Question will definitely be asked.
This might be in random order but I am going to list everything that I have purchased so far. As for equipment I have purchased Steve's Leds 95% complete upgrade kit with the typhon/case/6 ft extention. and the Intank media basket with filter floss pads, CPE and Purigen.I have multiple battery backup pumps,hosing,and airstones, with a couple battery backup power sources to be added later! I also purchased a digital thermometer and a portable refractometer.
As for testing supplies I have purchased Hanna checkers Colorimeter set for Phosphate,Alkalinity,Calcium,and PH. I also bought a Salifert Magnesium test kit and an API Saltwater test kit for early on.
For acclimation I bought the Reef Gently AccliMate kit in both sizes. I have also picked up multiple types of nets and tongs.
As for additives to start with I purchased the Marine Pro Kit XL and Purple Up. I will get other stuff as I need it later on.
I have ordered 3 bags of Caribsea Aragonite Seaflor special grade sand and I am going to get around 80 to 95 lbs of mixed base rock and live rock. I will also be purchasing pre-mixed water from the LFS because I have no access to a sink to hook up an rodi unit which totally sucks.
So for now that is where I am at. I hope this comes out good as I am typing this on my phone! I will ask questions about installing the leds as soon as they get here!


I also have a bunch of epoxy for the rock work. I knew I would forget something haha! I have already spent over $3200!!!


Well-Known Member
Looks like you are doing it right. Can't wait to see it all up and running for you. I think that you'll be very happy with this tank.


I ordered 50 lbs of Florida base rock from reefcleaners today! As soon as I get the tank up within a week I will order around 45 lbs of live rock! I might not use all the base rock as in a few month I am setting up a nuvo 8 gallon for my wife and that way she already has some rock ready. We will see how the rock looks when I get it. I am thinking a lagoon style in the 250. I have always liked that style of rock work!


Ok so looking for opinions on the rock work...My wife and I really like the horseshoe style lagoon look with the idea of clam in the middle later on. We also both like the 2 piles with a bridge linking the 2. I know in the end its our decision,but I was just wondering what opinions others have on the 2 setups! I can we both 100% HATE the 1 solid rock pile look!

P.S. I really can't wait to start posting some pics for you guys. I will post a few pics of things as soon as everything else arrives this week!


Well-Known Member
They are both good looks. I wanted two piles completely separate but my wife added the rock the bridges the two and now we are both happy!

NJ Reefer

Active Member
I just posted this pic on my new tank thread (actually it was my first image, since I just figured out how with the help of GOMA). I had the same ideas/concerns regarding the rock work. This is what I came up with...


Well-Known Member
One thing, be sure you are not too close to the left side or too close to the back wall. Regarding the left side, you want to make sure you can get a mag float in there to clean the glass. On the back wall, make sure you are not too close to the back wall that you won't have any flow back there and allow detritus to build up.


Talk about Christmas in September... I got 6 boxes of stuff for the tank today including Steve's LEDS!!! I was having so much fun opening everything! I am only missing the base rock which I should get tomorrow and the live rock with will get ordered when I get the tank filled up! I will post a pic of all my goodies tomorrow just for fun!!!


Ended up going to a Baseball game so didn't get to take a pic of all the things I have so far,but it will happen! Also the order of Base Rock didn't come in today as expected! Hopefully Monday at the latest! It is going to take a few days to recover from the pain of walking and sitting in the stadium seats. But my goal is to have the tank up and running by Thursday or Friday at the very latest!


I don't know what is taking the base rock so long to get here,but tomorrow I plan on installing steve's Leds! 8 am getting frustrated with all the delays getting this tank going! I have had it since July and it is still in the box! Should have some progress this week finally! The camera is ready for pics I just need to get something done that is pic worthy! I just can't wait! Hopefully the led install goes smoothly tomorrow! It says that I only need a screwdriver,but I'm thinking I need a drill also,is that right?


Well-Known Member
Yes, you will need more than a screwdriver. You'll need to drill some holes for the dimmer knobs. You may need to solder or splice some wires.

Did you get the Typhoon controller?


I got everything! The 95% complete system with the controller and case and the extension. I also paid for the existing timer hookup for whatever it will still control. I'm guessing the fans. When I was talking with Jeff he stated that there would be no soldering with the 95% complete unit.


I do know how to solder so it wouldn't be a problem anyway but just another expense as I do not have a solder gun. The basic one is cheap though I just hope I don't have to solder. The last time I did I soldered almost all the way to the bone on my finger. It wasn't very fun!


UPS just called and said that they have a package that needs to be signed for and it is from reefcleaners so my Base Rock will be here soon!!! I am getting setup for my led install also as soon as I eat something. So nervous!!! I really hope I don't screw up!!!