ptbmaniac's RSM 250 Adventure!


Princess Diana
Thanks for the FTS picture, Your tank looks GREAT to me! I actually like the deeper sand bed. I guess it's just a matter of personal preference and take into account that you will possibly lose about 1" per year as you tank might be best to leave it?? That's just my thinking....may not be worth 2 cents tho :D
I think you can find the solution to your main return being too strong in this link:
I posted another link to my Spin-Stream review in that thread also. Please read, it might help ya!


Only have that much sand becuse my wife is dead set on a jawfish. It was only about 3 1/2 inches deep,but the sand has moved to the one side if the tank. That front corner has a lot of flow!


Princess Diana
Only have that much sand becuse my wife is dead set on a jawfish. It was only about 3 1/2 inches deep,but the sand has moved to the one side if the tank. That front corner has a lot of flow!
The Spin-Stream device diverts the flow from the return nozzle & makes it not just hit the front glass so hard. I had the same problem. The sand I started out with was too fine to start with, but the Spin-Stream helps it not hit the sand bed....more water circulation to the live rock.
There's a video^^post in that thread link ^^if you'd like to see what it does.


Both nozzles have spin streams. I think it is the combo of the spin stream and the MP10 hitting from the other side of the tank becuse it is only that corner and not both. I might need to move the MP10 to hit more of the rock and less of the front.


Princess Diana
Both nozzles have spin streams. I think it is the combo of the spin stream and the MP10 hitting from the other side of the tank becuse it is only that corner and not both. I might need to move the MP10 to hit more of the rock and less of the front.

Or turn the MP10 speed down a notch or two....that might help.
But, knowing how your luck goes :( it might not. I hope it does tho :thumbup:


What additives/supplements should I get? I have seen so many different opinions. Should I get a 2 part thing? What about reef snow? I shouldn't need anything for snails and hermits(Yes I want hermits) right? I haven't been to the LFS yet as I took a bad fall and have not been able to do much. Going to try and go this week. If I can't get much I will turn to reefcleaners. It has been super cold so I did not want to order anything.


Well-Known Member
I would suggest no supplements until you see how your tank does. Using a quality salt mix should be good enough, especially for a new tank.


It was more of in the future thing as I am putting in an order and wanted to go ahead and order stuff. I am using Tropic Marin salt.


The lfs did not have a whole lot of what I was looking for which is shocking,but I did pick up a grab bag. I did get 2 halloween hermits,5 electric blues,and a few other small hermits that I still need to identify.1 kind of looks like a zebra,but I know there are a couple that have black and white striped legs. I also got some snails.I was told that a couple were turbos and 1 was a pyramid or turbin. I am up in the air on that one though. Also a couple smaller snails. Maybe someone can tell by the pics.One of the snails has a tiny little buddy on him. I also have an order in with reefcleaners for the rest of the CUC. Some dwarf ceriths,Nassarius,Nerites,Florida Ceriths,a few more hermits,and lots of empty shells.
Also got some frags which was shocking,because the grab bag form only said inverts. looks like I got a mushroom,an open brain,and not quite sure on the other 2 yet. Also got a bottle of pods!



Boy the pictures do not do the frags any justice at all!!! The colors are beautiful!!! I will have to use the camera instead of the phone when I get everything settled. Everything looks yellow and the tank has a violet color with the leds.


$80. I think it was ok just because the frags are worth around $50 there. They had different bags for different prices. Was shocked to get frags in my bag though.I think they guy messed up. Halloween crabs are $10. So I did ok. I have another $60 of stuff coming from RC!


I think it was just an inventory dump because I have been there many times and never heard of grab bags at that store. I know another store that does it but it is nothing like this one was. I am happy though. It is a good start. No refunds or returns though.


Princess Diana
Very exciting that you've added your 1st corals & CUC :yehoo:
You should post a Full Tank Shot (FTS) picture to this thread because it's really awesome to look back at when your tank gets about 8 months old. Have fun watching your new tank mates & post us another update when your online order arrives...
Let the fun begin :swmfish:


So far so good! Almost all the hair algae is gone! I sure can say that electric blu legs sure love the stuff! Now there is not much left for my reefcleaners order that should arrive on Friday! I do have dried seaweed though. Might have to get some more stuff to supplement their diet if need be.


And the hits just keep on comng! My order from reefcleaners was supposed to come yesterday,but did not show up and nothing today either! Now there are going to be a lot of dead creatures due to the USPS! I am just torn up about that! I have been in contact with John.


Well-Known Member
Hopefully he makes it right as they are a reputable company and have taken good care of customers in the past.


I know John will make it right with me,but My passion for animals runs deep and just thinking about all those poor little creatures dying for no reason is just horrible.