OT: How's the weather?


Well-Known Member
Well one of those days; you see, it was a good morning sunny, and all. we started the gazebo thing arounds 10 am, the first thing we noticed ; they where some screws misssing. That should of been my first clue as to how this day would unfold. we proceeded to the Homedepot where the gazebo was bought. Came back and started to assemble the thing,mid section some of the instruction didn't fit the parts mmmh, after two long hours of soul searching among other thing, we when back to the store, with questions. after another hour of waiting and discussions with the head of the department we came to the conclusion that the part we had brough back where part of ....wait for it....another set that had been mixmatch. So we went back home to undo the structure and bring it back and got a new set. it took about two hours for this one...at time i would ask Louis ( Your sure your an architec, tabarnaque!) He may be able to draw a line without a ruler but when it come to puzzel. i don't know i keep saying he's a fraud. I'm good at puzzel actually, not for mesurements i'm terrible. But give me a picture and an a to b map , i'm quick. But that plan was a bit crude and we did it by deduction most of it. So everything was going according to plan. we decided to take a beer break inside, the weather was getting cloudy.... we are drinking when suddenly; the sky darkens and the wind pick up like crazy. A scene from the ten Commendments, is the only way to put it, hale and pouring rain, buckets of it, trees bending and then we thought of are gazebo...not totally fasten to the terrace. The first thing we saw was the four post all croken and on their side. It took a bit longer to find the roof. The neighbor's pool was really accomodating for the landing. It seems they where gone for the weekend...on their boat......why not, its suppose to be good weather all around. A yes now , the sun was shinning again. and all. You know when you've known a person for 30 years, like i've known Louis. And you know what's gona set them off; by this time i needed some amusement ,so i said ; ( you know this is your fault!!! If we hadn't taken that break we'd be finish by now..... so the name calling and are temper flared, the cursing frog; that would be me, gave its best shots and cheap one a like, to releave pressure that was mounting since the morning. The wife saw fit to send us both to are corners, and tonight i'm eating my steak alone at home. But i can always count on Louis to get in trouble with Nathalie, after 20 years of mariage; which i organised between them. I know how they work, so he's comming over here tonight to watch the dam hockey game like Nathalie put it. But hey its the last Canadian team on the map, gotta watch it. We know where are priorities lies. Anyway that was my unproductive day. tomorrow rockwork http://www.reefsanctuary.com/forums/reef-chronicles/39606-ok-65-g-slowly-but-best-i-can-make-2.html


Active Member
Basile, Sounds like stormy weather on all kinds of fronts..
It was nice today not as hot as it could have been. I enjoyed house hunting with my new DIL.


Well-Known Member
Beautilfull weather today lol hopefull will stay that way. Will help forget the lost of Vancouver last night, for those who follow hockey.... Did start my sculpture today. Now i have to wait for it to dry, to continu tomorrow.:cry1:


Well-Known Member
Yuck....47f and raining...looks like this pattern is holding for a while.

Well today its spiting a bit cool 50's going to be in the 70's as the day progress.

I really needed a picker upper, after my disapointing day yesterday. When that happens i read threads, Yours Teri , did the trick . Really love your set up ,and gave me something to shoot for. Your site is great , precise, easy to navigate and nice pics that answer simple questions. Realy like the straight foreward answer with no scientific jargon that really confuses us sometime. Just the good sound advice. Reading your DSB advice , i'm torn, going on a few peoples advices againgts DSB( because its a nitrate trap;according to them) i planed my rock work to be on 4 inch legs, so that when i put my sand at 2 1/2-3 inch deep ; the hole sculpture will be 1 inch above the sand for water flow to move under the structure. So DSB now is kina too late for me. Bummer lol. Thanks for posting these great info.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Thanks Basile ~ appreciate the kind words.

Reading your DSB advice , i'm torn, going on a few peoples advices againgts DSB( because its a nitrate trap;according to them)

Just FYI that I have probably not updated the tank website for about 3 years now. If I were going to set up another tank, I would not do a DSB - probably just a small amount of sand for aesthetics.

Hey - the sun is out - yippee!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks Basile ~ appreciate the kind words.

Just FYI that I have probably not updated the tank website for about 3 years now. If I were going to set up another tank, I would not do a DSB - probably just a small amount of sand for aesthetics.

Hey - the sun is out - yippee!!

Ok cool, thanks for the update. Would you mind explaning why you would go DSB now, you can do this in my 65g thread if you like, might help others to as to why you wouldn't thanks.


Active Member
It is 69* in my house.
I heard tales that it may get up to 100* today, but I ain't going outside. I managed to get hives and made it a lot worse yesterday doing yard work. I'm staying in where I can itch just a little bit without some of the extra aggravation.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Wow, rlcline76, I'm not sure where you are, but could you send some of that weather this way? We could stand some warmth & drying out. ;-)