OT: How's the weather?


Active Member
Wow, rlcline76, I'm not sure where you are, but could you send some of that weather this way? We could stand some warmth & drying out. ;-)

El Paso, TX...it gets tiresome, trust me. Sunny is fabulous until the winds pick up and the dust starts blowin'.


Active Member
Becky at least you will be in cooler climate by the time it really heats up right?It got to 103 here today. Its too early for this heat. grrrrrrrr
Tomorrow I will put my bearded dragon outdoors to enjoy the sun while I clean out his tank.Hopfully he will be re-homed soon.


Active Member
If I remember correctly, Illinois in June is often in the 80s....humid, but much worse come July. The humidity will pop that heat index. Humidity is good for some stuff, at least my skin will rehydrate. The only thing I will miss about this place is my all year tan.


Active Member
:tumble: Becky,Your right, I remember going to Mich one year it must have been July or Aug. they were having a heat wave and 90s and the humidity was high too just killing me, and they had piddly little AC units, I couldnt wait to get back to AZ...Oh its a dry heat but over 110 its hell. (but I will still golf).Hope your moving adventure goes smoothly.
This summer I'll have to run up to Brendas to excaape the heat.


Well-Known Member
This summer I'll have to run up to Brendas to excaape the heat.

Come on up!! we can go to the top of Mt. Graham, it's only 40 miles away, but a slow drive with lots of hairpins... but it will be like 50 there and 95 here..

Just got done washing my car.. it's 90* at 1100 am

Good luck Becky, gotta be kinda rough with those little ones, I hate packing, moving, and unpacking!!!


Active Member
I don't know. Dry heat, wet heat....it gets hot out here. There have been times I needed to step outside for just a few minutes in July here and it is searing hot. I hate sweating but, I'll get used to the humidity again, I was never destined to be a desert gal anyway!


I understand - but here in Central Texas, the stupid weather has been incredibly humid for the past two weeks. Carpets feel a little wet (not just around the fish tanks... :) and though the heat is just hitting in the 90's, it is darn near debilitating. There is some smoke floating up from Mexico that isn't helping either.

It's actually aggravating, because we have to lower the A/C to 74 to keep the humidity under control, and that is just little too cool in the house. Well, it may also be that we just replaced the A/C units and these guys are far more efficient than the old ones, so they run less. But we had to do the same thing at work too.



Well-Known Member
Raining here , mid 70 's ,humid ; so i'm cleaning around, and since i'm using all kinds of chemicals, no hands in the tank for today. Will wait till tomorrow when one layer of epiderm has fallen, lol.


Active Member
I understand - but here in Central Texas, the stupid weather has been incredibly humid for the past two weeks. Carpets feel a little wet (not just around the fish tanks... :) and though the heat is just hitting in the 90's, it is darn near debilitating. There is some smoke floating up from Mexico that isn't helping either.

It's actually aggravating, because we have to lower the A/C to 74 to keep the humidity under control, and that is just little too cool in the house. Well, it may also be that we just replaced the A/C units and these guys are far more efficient than the old ones, so they run less. But we had to do the same thing at work too.


I wouldn't want any kind of weather here in TX. I'll be taking the my weather in IL. I am getting out of here. Escaping...never to return. Just get me past Tulsa, OK and Springfield, MO and it can pour for the rest of my trip home. I haven't started counting the days yet, but it is getting closer!


We are here more for the people and the space rather than the climate.
Though I admit, I miss the snow. If it would be winter here, with lots of snow, from Dec. 15th to Jan 15th, this would be paradise. :bouncer:


Well-Known Member
Hot, hot, hot.. gotta love the desert.. not acutally I hate cactus, I would love to live where it is green!!! Minus the humidity.. supposed to be 97* as the high... currently

Feels like: 91°F

Barometer: 29.9 in
Dewpoint: 19°
Humidity: 7%
Visibility: 10 miles
Precip in last hr: NA
Precip last 24 hrs: 0.01 in
Wind: 10 mph W
Sunrise: 5:21 AM
Sunset: 7:10 PM
UV Index: 10+ Extreme


Active Member
My SIL lives on a ranch just south of Tucson...the evenings are for the coyotes...not my style.

Hot as usual. Worked in the yard a bit today, not just kicking back and watching the oldest kid run back and forth from the bathroom puking.


Well-Known Member
Windy here, spitting rain, cool, so i can't do my resin treatment on my sculpture, got to wait for a sunny and at leats 70 oF for the resin to cure properly, bummer.


Hot here again - it was 96+ here yesterday, and is predicted to be about the same today. With moderate to high humidity. This is July/August weather for us.



Well-Known Member
Wake up sleepy heads it 6 Am and its a crappy day outside.But finished my sculpture and i feel great Come on wake up everybody...:bigbounce :jumprope: :hammerhea :drown: :banghead: beat_dead_horse :verymad: :cry1: :redcar: :stars: :bmcflme: :brothawolf: :bluegrima :bigblue:


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Staff member
Chilly today - cloudy & high 50's. Frost warning tonight, down to 32f. Supposed to be 90 Thursday. Gotta love New England.