What is up with this guy?


What is up with this guy? HE ATE MY GOBY!!

This afternoon my anenome is reaching for the stars!:stars: What is up with him?
Tank readings as of yesterday:
Temp 77.6
Nitrates, Nitrites, Ammonia = 0
pH 7.8
Alk 8.2
Salinity 1.025
Ca 440
Mg 1440



Any thoughts? He has been happy in the same place for over two months and has doubled in size.
Thanks all.
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Thanks for the advice all. He's been real good and happy in the same spot that he found in the tank since day one. He shrivels up into a ball every other day. Then tonight he like quadrupled in size! Almost frightening. I target feed him twice a week with mysis shrimp or OMGGGGGGG I just figured it out!!! eeeekkkkk He got a hold of my Golden Head Sleeper Goby!!!! oh my poor Goby -----gone - well half of him is still there. I think I will be getting rid of this anenome...the clowns don't host it and he is growing - enough to grab my 3 inch Goby - no wonder he is huge. I know he is doing what he does, but I got to get rid of him. Anyone in the Alexandria VA area PM me.

Mike Johnson

Well-Known Member
I used to keep them, but figured out how stupid they are and don't keep them anymore. They don't even have a survival instinct that even the simplest of life species do. Just my 2 cents.
I was thinking about picking one of those guys up. After Mikes comment and your golby getting wrecked I think I'll be looking for something else to put in my tank. Sorry to hear about your loss.


DianaKay - you are correct as he's going back to the LFS as a donation this weekend.
Friendly fire - seriously consider not getting one as the more I am reading the buggers are so much trouble. This was such a surprise as everything in my tank has been working out so well. I am sooooo glad I didn't have a BS Jawfish! My goby was so cute, a little on the shy side but he did such a good job cleaning the sand.

More lessons learned!


Update: I happily donated the anemone back to the LFS!
I picked up another goby but this time a white sleeper goby, a lawnmower blenny (Dr. Suess), a trumpet coral and a small xenia. So good bye anemone, I have no regrets. He is a spectacular specimen and I'm sure someone will take care of him!


Just wondering what kind of lights you had? Almost looked like it was reaching for more light. Maybe it just wanted a little more that day :). Btw is that your high or low PH? As in when PH fluctuates from night and day(Day be the higher PH). For example my low(Night) is 7.8-7.9 my high is 8.1-8.2. Just asking because a day time PH of 7.8 is a taaaddd low. Night time you would be close to 7.6 which is a little low. Not harmful but just a thought. 8.00 Would be a better number! But the tank looks awesome!


Well-Known Member
RS Ambassador
What kind of nem was it? It really didnt look like a BTA to me with tenticles that long. it was either a LTA or maybe a Condy....Condy's are KNOWN fish killers. if you really want a nem in your tank, get a Maxi Mini. Very pretty, low maint, not as aggressive as some others.


BTAs can look very different. Not saying that what it is but, Ive had a BTA that started short and stubby, short and bubble filled and then now it has long slender tentacles.