Todd's RSM 130D SPS Garden


Active Member
Re: Its Here, Its Here, Finally Here!!!!

Yeah that looks pretty good compare from the first model. I'm talking about the skimmer. I can't wait 'til they start selling the upgrades for the skimmer and etc...Looks good so far. More pics please...hehe


RS Sponsor
Re: Its Here, Its Here, Finally Here!!!!

I owned a 500.00 Deltec MCE600 skimmer. This RedSea skimmer pumps out more air into the chamber then the Deltec. The foam reminds me of a bubble king.
I wish I could have seen the older version. I think it was just a matter of not being able to keep a steady water level as there was no way of really viewing it!
I am going to be sure to post alot more pics when I get rock in teh tank and animals!
As of now, this tank is worth every penny and then some when comparing it to good quality equipment purchased seperately.
So far so good.


Active Member
Re: Its Here, Its Here, Finally Here!!!!

I love my RSM too...I got it used but it was soooo worth it. I think the only difference on the new skimmer is the cup, everything else is the same, hopefully Red Sea starts selling the cup soon. Can't wait to see you start stocking it with corals and stuff...time is your friend...


NaClH2O Addicted
Re: Its Here, Its Here, Finally Here!!!!

Mavjoy - based on what steveh has said in other posts, the new skimmer in the 130D won't fit in our older models, so I'm doubtful the new cup will work in ours. It might be a good question to post in the "Ask Red Sea" thread.


Active Member
Re: Its Here, Its Here, Finally Here!!!!

RM- that sucks, i guess I won't be using that for a while or maybe never. Hopefully my fuge holds up when I start adding more SPS and a clam.


RS Sponsor
Re: Its Here, Its Here, Finally Here!!!!

You can use it no problem. You just need to find the optimum water level and keep it there via a doser.
IS that the same pump as the one I have? What kind of pump is running that skimmer?


Active Member
Re: Its Here, Its Here, Finally Here!!!!

You can use it no problem. You just need to find the optimum water level and keep it there via a doser.
IS that the same pump as the one I have? What kind of pump is running that skimmer?

redseareef- actually I'm not using the skimmer from the get go when I set up my tank:) . I went with the fuge in my back chamber. I have the stock skimmer with the stock red sea pump. I might get the Tunze 9002 later 'cause its small and I can still keep the fuge thing going at the same time.


Re: Its Here, Its Here, Finally Here!!!!

Red Sea Reaf - how about an update on your 130D?

I am patiently awaiting the delivery of my 130D, so I sure would like to know how yours is doing.



RS Sponsor
Re: Its Here, Its Here, Finally Here!!!!

Hi, well I have put alot of fun hours into the tank the last few days and made some sketches on how I wanted to aquascape the tank.
As of now I have all my live rock in place, two fish in and a few free frags I got that are going to be really cool!
The tank is doing VERY well. No problems with anything. The skimmer is one of the best out there for it's size. It may even be THE BEST for it's size. I know for a fact it would give my Deltec a run for it's money. NO PROBLEM AT ALL!!!
They put alot of effort into the skimmer. It pulls out so well in fact, that it will stop skimming for a while as it catches right up with the tank load.
So, scratch having to buy a skimmer off my list! Maintenance is a breeze so far. I am loving cleaning the collection cup! So simple!!! Flip the lid up on the top and pull the cup out! 10 seconds????
I love the color of the lights!!!! VERY nice!!! Not sure if they will be bright enough for some SPS corals. But they are really bright!!!! I have never owned T5's before. So I am a rookie really on the lights.
Here is a pic. of the skimmer. REDSEA EXTRA FOAM LATTE FOR ANYONE??


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RS Sponsor
Re: Its Here, Its Here, Finally Here!!!!

Here are some tank pics. I have a Chevron Tang and a Golden Pygmy Angel. I have had both these fish for 6 years.
The Chevron may be too big for the tank. He is boarderline I feel. I may have to find him a new home and get something smaller.
They are both happy and eating well. The frags are responding very well to the water and lighting.
The tank looks kinda bare right now. I did not want to overload with rock. I want good current and cleaning space to keep it clean! I have ledges for corals everywhere and a nice big cave on the right side that I built with the rock!
The fish love it and swim in and out alot. The chiller is now hooked up and I am running a cool 78 deg. On the left is my top off resevoir!
I still have things to do but it's getting there!
All in all it was a fantastic value! Sorry for the small pics! I need to read my manual to change the picture quality from fine to normal or basic!!!LOL!
So far the I am loving this tank!!!
I have to get that Vortex the ReefMack has now! Then I think I will be finished with hardware and can concentrate on that BubbleGum Monster!!!


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New Member
Re: Its Here, Its Here, Finally Here!!!!

redseareef, ur tank is looking great! and iam following this thread as i to would like to c the 130D in action! so far so good! keep the photos coming!
again looking good! hahah


NaClH2O Addicted
Re: Its Here, Its Here, Finally Here!!!!

redseareef - how are you attaching images? They're so small that it's near impossible to see any detail. It looks great from what I can see, but I'm sure we'd all like to see more detail.


RS Sponsor
Re: Its Here, Its Here, Finally Here!!!!

I think my camera is on fine and I am not sure how to adjust it! When I try to load a picture from Photobucket it tells me the file is too big. So, I was useing medium size but when I take full pics of the tank it will only upload them if I shrink them down to small????


RS Sponsor
Re: Its Here, Its Here, Finally Here!!!!

Thanks for the compliments! It's getting there. Yes, I wish I could post some larger pics!!!!
I will work on it now............


RS Sponsor
Re: Its Here, Its Here, Finally Here!!!!

Try this again! I had the Macro on before. Hopeing this will do it!!!!:colorful: GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR:guns: :guns: :cursin:
Ok, I am getting them in medium size now


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RS Sponsor
Re: Its Here, Its Here, Finally Here!!!!

ok, here is a few more in medium size


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NaClH2O Addicted
Re: Its Here, Its Here, Finally Here!!!!

redseareef - I'm not meaning to complain - just trying to help you post some larger pictures of that great tank, and make it easier to see some of the new 130D improvements. Maybe this will help.......

1) I usually resize my pictures to 800 or 1000 pixels, resave with a new name on my PC, then upload these smaller pics to Photobucket. This saves a lot of time uploading to Photobucket as my files start out at over 4 MB each. If you have the picture software to do this.

2) If you don't want to mess with the above, you can upload large file sizes to Photobucket, and have Photobucket resize while uploading, by choosing a size from one of the menus before uploading (here I have selected a resizing on upload to 800x600 - a good size to post):


Uploading large files and having them resized takes a longer upload time, but saves the time needed in my step one above. It may end up taking the same time either way, and in the long run this method may be easier?

3) You then choose the files & upload them. If you hold down the Ctrl key while highlighting files names on your PC, you can set it to upload more than one file. When done click "Open" and wait till it uploads and then shows the new pictures now in your gallery.


4) To post that image in your post, click in the code box to the right of the bottom choice under the uploaded gallery picture - the IMG Code - this automatically copies the file to your clipboard memory. The code box will turn blue, and a little yellow text box will pop up and say "copied", then disappear.


5) Now go to your post and on a blank line paste in the IMG Code - go up to the top of your Windows Explorer and pick Edit, Paste, or just hold down your Ctrl key and hit the v key. All you'll see in your post is the code:


it won't show up as a picture till you submit your post (or you can see it in advanced posting mode by choosing preview. Once you submit the post the picture will be there for all of us to see! If you have a few pictures to post, have Photobucket open on one tab, or in a separate window, type more text, go back to Photobucket and copy another IMG Code and go back & forth till done.

This works with a Windows PC, If you're on a Mac I can only guess it works the same way.

Confusing enough? Once you do it a couple times it's quite easy. I don't know how to explain the process any simpler.

Here's an image that was 4+ MB in size before doing steps 2-5 above:



Re: Its Here, Its Here, Finally Here!!!!

Red Sea Max
Your tank is looking really great. Can't believe you have fish in there already. My 130D was shipped today!!!!!!!!! Coming from Texas to South Carolina, so should be here soon I hope. Keep posting, and I will keep reading. lol


RS Sponsor
Re: Its Here, Its Here, Finally Here!!!!

ahhh, boy I lack laot of computer savy,lol!!! Well, Thank you reefmack for taking the time to post that!!! I was surely not doing it that way at all!!!
I will need to experiment tonight and get it going as you have instructed! Thanks again ReefMack for the help!!!
Hey, hows that Vortech doing???