TJD's RSM 250


Thanks for the compliments everyone.

Question: The water level where my float sensor is located (pump 2 chamber) is staying somewhat constant, what the water level gauge is showing I'm losing water. Can you guys help me out with this one?


Thanks Steve.

I just started-up my protein skimmer and pump 2 is now blowing micro bubbles :evileye:



Active Member
Sorry to hear about the microbubbles - wish I had advice for the 250...I know the 130 would always give me issues before I upgraded the skimmer. Hopefully you'll get some good advice here.


Tank's been running for a week. Here's the water parameters after today's test:

Specific Gravity: 1.025
pH: 8.0
Alk: 2.0
Calcium: 410
Phosphate: 0.0
Ammonia: 0.0 - 0.25 (results of 2 different test kits)
Nitrite: 0.0
Nitrate: 0.0 - 5.0 (results of 2 different test kits)

Alk is worrying me a little bit. The first result yielded a 3.2 and today is a 2.0. Not to mention I've been adding the coral buff that came with the starter kit.

No algae bloom yet and really no signs of it anywhere.


NaClH2O Addicted
OK - I never trusted the older Red Sea test that came with my tank at all. The newest Red Sea test recently released is good though. I use Salifert, plus a Hanna Checker. If you haven't, try the API & see what you get.


I read through Lee's (Leebca) Marine Fish Stocking Limit thread and was curious as to what other 250 owners have been using as a guide to stocking their tanks with fish. How many inches of fish has been or is successful for you? Is the 23" recommendation in the manual accurate? Thoughts?


Well-Known Member
This is a kettle of fish subject
imo - a lot depends on your husbandry skills & maintenance dedication.

I am pretty conservative in my approach & stocking fish (bio-load) I really believe in slowly & not to many - what is "not to many"... well that imo - depends on the above... with in reason.


When do you guys recommend or when is a good time to do my first water change so as to not disrupt the cycle all that much?


First water change in the books.....water parameters are good except for ALK being a little low at 2.4 - 2.6.

I haven't experienced an algae bloom yet though. In past tank set-ups I've experienced them within the first week; however, I used dry rock and 'dry' argonite sand in this set-up.

Additionally in the past, I've added my CUC before any other livestock in order to have my janitors in place. Having said that, should I look to add a fraction of John Maloney's recommendations even though I'm not seeing an over abundance of algae?


Well-Known Member
Go slow ... :)

You want to make sure the cycle finishes before adding any livestock (cuc) or anything... my guess is you will see an algae bloom with in the next couple of weeks, don't worry about not having the cuc in place, I a real believer in letting it run it's course (it's going to anyway)... just keep testing...
Watch for the ammonia to soar, followed by the ammonia falling, then watch for the nitrites soaring, followed by nitrites falling & then the nitrates soar, when ammonia & nitrites are near zero, do large water changes (30-40%) to bring down nitrates - cycle complete - add cuc - Cheers !