Question about ich attack medication


There are three different color variants of Chrysopterus... The colors are pelvic fins and with a orange pelvic fins and a white pelvic fins and a white tail .My male juvenile chrysopterus has orange pelvic fins and a orange tail.

Their pectoral fin is always orange ..maybe thats why they call them orange fins? aka blue stripes


Well-Known Member
I was thinking the same thing Frankie. They look very much like my clowns as well. I tried to find a pic of my clowns to post but all of them show the clowns in their RBTA. I can try to get a clear pic tonight.
As far as the copper, I don't know that there would be any difference between these clowns and any other fish. Copper needs to be monitered very closely or it certainly can be a problem but is the only known way to address the condition.
I agree with Lee though (as usual), I'm not sure they even have ich. Now I can certainly understand the statement that they looked worse previously. When my tang had ich it would appear each morning and disappear each afternoon. I would like to see a pic when the spots are more apparent.


Do you have the book called Anemone Fishes and Their Host Sea Anemone handy? There is a picture of a Chrysopterus in that book that looks exactly like mine.
Sorry about the extra spots in the picture..I can see there is water spots on the outside of the glass bad ..I should of checked that before taking the pictures. This is so making me depressed.


ok is that it? is that all the advice I can get? ok..if I use cupramine..what does my SG have to be at? is 1.021 ok or do I have to have it higher than that?


Well-Known Member
I am trying to help but I am not sure what you are looking for.
I am not sure about the salinity but I will check Lee's posts and see if it is there.


Well-Known Member
Cupramine is suitable for all Angelfishes. Make sure you measure out the medication (not just use drops) and KNOW the total volume of the QT. Make sure you use a good copper test kit (Seachem or Salifert -- Salifert would be my recommendation). Once the second addition of Cupramine is made, the concentration you want to maintain is between 0.3 ppm and 0.4 ppm copper according to the Salifert test kit.

Copper does affect Angels adversely. Your LFS is repeating what they have heard or learned in the past (about 10 years ago). What they are not keeping up on is that Cupramine is a different copper, safe for such fishes, when properly administered and controlled.

The link Lynn provided (just before I would have) explains this.

The salinity should be normal. A sp. gr. of 1.021 to 1.028 should be fine. Follow directions on the medication.

I am assuming you are/have setup the QT/hospital tank according to recommendations given in: so I won't repeat those requirements.


I have a ten gallon I can use. The 10 gallon is really my QT and has an aquaclear filtration this tank has been up and running since july of 07. I just need to get all the subtrate out and live rock. I only had those things in there so I could always have the tank set up and not have to look at an empty tank. It is also a tank I was using to grow plants. All I have to do is put an airstone and pvc pipe in there. Since I have never had to deal with ich before my 10 gallon never has had meds in there such as copper.

So you are saying angelfish are more sensitive to copper than these chrysopterus clowns?

This is a picture I took of her this morning..better or worse? I can't tell:dunno:
I figured out what the other spots were that you were seeing I have an air sponge in there. The water is very clear just looks like that because of the camera flash.

Oh and btw ..this was an online purchase..I can't take it anymore I have to tell some one before they sell more chrysopterus and they have to put up with the same thing I am dealing with. I got these two chrysopterus from I just noticed yesterday that they have more chrysopterus in stock.


Well-Known Member
MUCH better photo. Thanks.

Treat immediately with Cupramine.

Under the (visual) circumstances, if the fish is laboring to breathe, I would perform a FW dip prior to the Cupramine treatment. Although FW won't kill off the disease, it may provide some breathing relief.

Yes. The Dwarf Angelfishes (in particular) cannot be treated with general copper mediations, EXCEPT for Cupramine. Few fishes come close to their sensitivity to copper.

From your description. . .You don't have a QT ready. All you need to do is have a sponge filter in your main display to be seeded with bacteria and then, setup any appropriately sized tank within a few minutes using that filter to have a 'live' QT.


oh god..I can't do this..can't some one in texas come over here and do it for me?..I will pay them. :help:

How is it not a QT? :( all I have to do is add the air sponge and heater I have in the 29 and put it in the 10 gallon. Take the few pieces of live rock and coral gravel out. place a few pvc pipes in there. Then I have a QT...right? .the aquaclear filter already has live bacteria in it because I keep a gulf warty anemone in there that keeps the bacteria alive. Those are the type of anemones that do better in cold water and don't need light to survive..just food.There are a bunch of amphipods in there that are thriving. Or maybe just take the live rock out of the 29 and deal with getting rid of the copper treated sand after I am done treating them. It wasn't expensive live sand it was just regular sand that I added a bottle of live bacteria to.

It is starting to look like brook..sheets of white insted of spots..well I don't know what velvet looks like ...that or one of the stages of ich.:help: I feel like a newbie again.


Active Member
The sand and rockwill absorb the copper treatment, and make it less effective and possibly harmful if it leeches back out.
If you have your heart set on keeping that anemone in the 29, you might want to look into a cheap 10 gallon at walmart .
White patches or sheets could be the natural slime coat. Velvet, the one time I saw it in QT, looked like the dorsal area was covered in fine dust.



Well-Known Member
Calm yourself. I try to choose my words carefully, but don't always succeed. I wrote that you "didn't" have one ready. You are now moving in that direction. The setup would be easier if you didn't have to disassemble a tank to make a QT out of it. You might want to consider getting another tank and having it clean and ready (unfilled) for future QT and hospital use rather than having to go through the disassembly process.

I like the idea of having a tank to grow plants. That's my refugium.


yeah I have a refugium for the 120 gal.. I turned my sump into a great. I was using the 10 gallon to grow food for a tang that I might some day decide to get ..right now I'm a tang food supplier for my LFS. I grow sea lettuce and razor kelp. ANYways..sigh..breathing in and out.. ok I can siphon out the sand that is in the 29 won't hurt me one bit. Like I said it was cheap sand. Would that be ok? I think my husband might be angry with me if I buy another tank. No matter how cheap it was.

He wasn't happy about getting the 29. Right now we have 5 more and my husband will:explode:


Oh good my LFS had the cupramine. I was afraid they wouldn't and I would have to order it online or go to a big city and find a fish store that had it.

YAY they have it and they also have formalin...I got that too just in case. Also bought some pvc pipes.


Hey, This formalin I bought says it provides fast relief for flukes ick and external parasites. Is that junk? If it is, no biggy, it only cost me $2.75. What do you guys think?


Active Member
For ich and velvet, I would really stick with cupramine. Formalin seems like overkill unless you are looking at brooklnella.


I haven't added the cupramine yet..the SG is at 1.021 according to my refractometer. Should I raise it or is it safe to use cupramine with 1.021?