My 85 gallon DT- A work in progress!!!


Well-Known Member
Cheers for the bigger pics !


We just changed 22 gallons, sucked out most of the red cyno and cleaned most of the coral. OMG was it dirty!!!! I hate when our crushed coral gets that bad! We cleaned out the back of the tank and man was it dirty!!! I cant wait to go to sand!!!! Hope stiring up so much stuff does not bother our fish.


We did another 30% water change last night, everthing looking good. Cyno is not growing back as fast. We just have to keep up with the water changes. I dont want to do to many to quick. That will prob be all we do for the week. All the fish seem ok. I see no signs of stress on any of them except when hubby puts his hand in the tank, the cinamon clowns and the nemo clowns decide to attack his hand! Its so funny! He jerks back like he was just stung by a fish! I lmao at him!


As you can see in most of the pics I am going to post, the red cyno is actually looking a lot better! Yayyyyyy


I hope the ones who are following my thread can see the progress we have made in 2 weeks with this tank. We are working very hard to make it the way we want it again!


Thank you so much! I really appriciate someone acknowleding they can see the progress! We have worked so hard on both tanks. Did you see my 28 gallon as well? It looks even better!!


Like I have said we are wanting to change the crushed coral to a sand bed. How deep do we need to go? I have heard 4" is good and 6" is better and they never have to shiphon the sand bed at all due to all the life that is in the sand bed, it takes care of all the detritius. Is this true? What are your thoughts on this? We have seen it on youtube. One guy said he has not changed his water for 2 yrs. Is this possible? He suppliments of course, just never did a water change. Just curious about this subject and esp since we are doing so many changes to this tank.


Thank you so much! And yes it is almost gone! Whoooo hooo!!! I appriciate the compliments! Any advice is welcome!