Minimum posts in order to sell


JoePa lives on!!!
Staff member
I think it would be a good idea to install a minimum post requirement in order for someone to post items for sale. Allows them to get to know RS and the community before just using it to sell stuff.

Just a thought, feel free to shoot it down.



Well-Known Member
RS Ambassador
Im no premium member like you guys but....
Keep the riff raff out so to speak.
+3 here


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Thanks for the suggestion guys!

I'm all for implementing this but it's not all that simple on the software end of things... I'll have to research the best way to do it - lots of ways to skin this cat, but many of them involve skinning a finger or two in the process. ;)


Has been struck by the ban stick
Hey Travis. What if mark Bearjohnson contributes 50. We name it after him?

,.......don't believe this matt guy


Has been struck by the ban stick
Its worth it. Ask Devin about the batcave.

,.......don't believe this matt guy


Well-Known Member
some of my thoughts...

We do with the new forum software have in place now...

where no one can join & post a url or pic until they reach "x" number of post... (I don't even know that #)

this does help ... as the members are seeing much less spam now, because every new post with a pic or url must be validated.

The min. number of post to sell, is a great idea, we discussed it in the mod forum about a year ago in depth, I was all for it, (I am going to have to find that old thread & review it), but as I remember, it at the time, came down to making a "rule", posting it & then the mods manually removing the post.

and example, would be if a new member joins today & in this thread says, I have a skimmer for sale, call me at xxx-xxx-xxxx $100 as his 1st post or 10th post or whatever number RS adopts, with the new "rule" a mod would have to manually remove the post and PM the member.

Just brain storming... but if say the new post was made at 10 PM & you wanted the skimmer, replied in a post you wanted it & even sent a PM, then a mod saw the new post the next day at 6 AM, would he delete the post & all associated post?

All this was discussed... and if I remember right and we never came up with a really clean good way to implement it, but maybe Travis will figure out a way.

Keep sharing, it helps ! If you have any more thoughts related...

PS - RS does don't allow Commercial Sales from non RS Sponsors, the only sales allow is from member to member, as example, you have a used skimmer you want to get rid of or you have a frag or two for sale.

and... in every case where anyone is asked to send $$$ to someone they don't know, repeating Caveat emptor Let the buyer beware is great advise along with If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is

Using a Visa card & buying from a Sponsor does offer everyone the greatest protection.


Active Member
It's a great idea, some forums give you a post count limit on even seeing the for sale threads. BUT an easy end round to that is just pad their post count. AND I have seen feedback about people with over a 1000 posts that the buyer/seller was not happy with the transaction and felt they got the shaft. So while post count is a good thing to consider, it isn't a total safety net. AND as a buyer/seller I can see the other person's post count and decide for myself if that person is worth dealing with. I have only had one transaction from a reef forum and it was a good experience. My first action was to do a search about the person's post. Does that person give good advice? Are their posts usually just compliments or just useless posts? I also search that poster's name on several reef/sw forums, most use the same screen name in every forum. And then google their screen name, see what pops up. Just sharing what I do and padding my post count to boot......LOL