Made to order live-rock


Active Member
well the white came out looking great, i have make a few more pieces w/ white and black mix. i really wanted to test the two mixes and see how well they would bond together (i don't want to sell anything that will break and give me bad rep) so i made two mixes as identical as i could. and then i did spoon full by spoon full of black and white to give as much foreign contact as i could. i then pulled the rock from the mold an entire 12 hours early to really test the strength... good news it held together great and is in the de-sanding process.

i also wanted to try and see if i could build a reverse montipora skeleton style shelf. On montipora while its growing it normally has a small white rim where the new growth is occuring, and so i built a white base with a black rim.

That will come out tonight if im not to busy.

Orders are still open and im still developing my recipe. I want people to get the best base rock on the market from me. So im going to be 100% quality oriented. reggiepe has semi-placed an order, im waiting on a comfirmation email and then it will be in the mold for him


Active Member
Here is a little peek at some of the rock im building for my tank and some rock stacks that im putting together. Its so awesome when it all fits together like puzzle pieces. =D



