Hello all


Active Member
Hi everyone.
It's been almost 2 years since posting anything. Due to life I took down and sold my 2 120 gallon tanks, and kept a 2.5 gallon fowlr with sunrise dottyback. I was at a point where the maintenance was becoming drudgery and no longer enjoying the tank which was up for 6.5 years, even tho it was coming back around. I stopped reading the forums and even (and kicking myself now) threw away all the extra old heaters/filters/pvc joints/bulkheads/smaller tanks.
Well 2 months ago I was looking at the little FOWLR and thought it needed a few snails, went to the local store and was delighted to wander around looking at all the wonders. Seems things have changed a bit in the short time. big corals are out and frags are in and not selling as well, some snails no longer available along with some fish. I have started reading threads again, lurking.
I have not much time or desire to set up a big tank (i know heresy) as I want it to be fun and healthy.
The little 2.5 gallon tank has now been up 15 months, now has a pair of skunk clowns and a clavularia doing well. With heavier feeding (i was feeding lightly) and a seeding from some live sand, i have pods and worms galore now, along with a few hermits.
This got me to thinking on plans for the tank, and this will be a softy tank, but I want to minimize competition, so sticking with the Clav. and will consider one more softy after some thought. The clowns when no longer babies if they get too big will move to the 10.
The 10 gallon I setup yesterday with 1" med.fine sand and 6# LR and will cycle and sit for a bit. I have an emperor 400 HOB filter but no biowheels, plan on putting some carbon in there, and gives good water flow. After 4-8 weeks, readings stable (no light yet, but will add a small flurescent) I plan on adding a fish or 3 , hermits, snails, then 6-9 months down the line making this a pocillipora tank (current plan at least)

My rule of thumb is low energy, heavy feeding, lots of small critters and keep it simple


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