Hello All...


Well-Known Member
It is amazing how much time you will end up staring at your new rocks.
I bet you will be making some exciting discoveries too.


:LOL: Only slightly better!! But yes it just gets better and better.... next thing you'll be staring at lil tiny critters!! SWEET!!



Well-Known Member
LOL....well I have gone from staring at bubbles to rocks now....I am getting better....smile.


Next you get to stare at bugs and critters. :) Try looking at night with a flashlight. If you want to see some really cool stuff try a red flashlight. It is amazing what goes on in our tanks after lights out.

Rep. Day

Not that it is that impressive, but if I can figure out how to post a few pics on here I will....when it clears up some...but it is doing that pretty fast actually. Anyway, things seem to be moving pretty good.

Thanks to all of you....you folks are GREAT!


Craig Manoukian

Well-Known Member
Find a fish compatablity chart, there was one at Drs Foster & Smith at one time. Remember add fish from least to most aggressive and don't over crowd/stock the tank. Happy reefing!

Rep. Day

I did find a compatability chart, and a few books....love to read this stuff. I think I have a simi-plan, I need to put it on paper so I don't forget it.

Anyway, the rocks are in, the water is starting to clear...any ideas of how long it will be before the levels start going up? The LR was pretty clean and cured and after it had been in for about 5 or 6 hours I tested amonia just for grins, it was still zero. When should I expect levels like it to go up some?



Well-Known Member
I love your questions! I am following closely because I just emptied my tank and I'll be right behind you!

Rep. Day

No I have not, I have to attend an awards ceremony the next two days and didn't want to do that until I could be home for a few days in a row. I was under the impression that LR would make it start cycling? Is that not correct? I know the shrimp will make it happen faster.

Thanks for your help!


Craig Manoukian

Well-Known Member
The shrimp will ensure the ammonia spike is high enough to foster good denitrfying bacteria growth. Since your LR was partially cycled I suggest the shrimp.


Well-Known Member
Rah rah shish boom bah...go shrimp, go shrimp! There a little cheer to encourage the dead shrimp cycling method! Best way to go! :bouncer:


Well-Known Member
Let the shrimp start to rot while you are away. Then you should have some interresting levels when you get back. With the LR it depends on the die-off. The shrimp will definitely kick it off.


Well-Known Member
The live rock by itself may not kick off the cycle. If you got very good rock with little decaying material, it may not cycle by itself. The two times in the past year that I added rock it was going into an established tank. I purchased mine from folks who had established tanks and were moving. I moved the rock and kept it submerged during transit. When I got it home it went directly into my display.

There are a lot of tricks to learn and the longer you're in the hobby the more you'll learn. In your case I'd do as Lynn says and sock some shrimp, pop them in your tank, take off and don't worry about a thing.


That's exactly right... when I got my LR it had very little die off. I kept waiting for a "cycle" to happen and either it didn't happen or I blinked and missed it :LOL:

I added a "shrimp-a-roo" and that kicked it off nicely. Glad I didn't add fish to it instead!! That wouldn't be cool!!

Good luck and keep us posted.
