Cuttlefish Eggs!!


Yeah I know the life span is very short but I am hoping to constantly have some. It was just a thought. I am pretty sure 3 can fit in a 55 I will have to recheck again but I will just have to see. I never knew people could even have cuttlefish and when I did my entire life became devoted to researching them lol. So I am hoping everything will turn out well. I have been looking in to maybe buying a bowfront or hex type tank but so many people have thier own opinion on whether cuttles like heigth or width. So gonna try to research that some more this week!!

:fingerx: :fingerx:


My main issue is space. We are running out lol and pretty soon we are upgrading my boyfriend's tank. May have to rearrange the living room lol. Tried to put a 40 breeder on our cabinets beside the kitchen but there was so much weight we couldnt get in to the drawer underneath lol.


Here is a new pic of one of the other babies, probably one of the youngest ones. You can see he still has his yolk sac attached under his tenticles. There is at least a week if not more difference between him and the other egg posted.




how much are you paying for the eggs? i was searching for them online, they are expensive? 10 eggs for around $100 i think, cant remember.


They run about 20 an egg, unless you buy in bulk. They are not that expensive but the food is. If you have ever looked up how much mysis shrimp are... they eat several each a day. then up from those to ghost shrimps and crabs. I would love to find a good place to buy mysis for cheaper though since they are canibalistic they dont last long. I am going to try after they are about a week or two old to get them on frozen food that way it will be alot cheaper. But all in all I think they are worth it.



He is sooo freaking cute!!! Even smaller then I had imagined!!! I am uploading pics right now and will post them later!! He is soo adorable I hope he does ok through the night. YIPEE


Thanks Guys!! Yeah I am hoping the others hatch too. Their eggs are alot pointer which means they still havea little ways to go.

They say they wont eat for 2 days and some even go as long as 2 weeks so I am nervous about getting him to eat. After I get over that hurdle with him I will feel alot better.

This morning when I looked in before lights were on he was solid white and then when I turned the lights on he got bright red so he is already changing textures and colors so thats a good sign. He inked when he came out of the egg but has not inked again yet even with me sticking my face to the glass practically lol so thats good!


NaClH2O Addicted
That's cool on the color changes. It's amazing how the Cephalapods can do the quick color changes!


You really have me wanting to setup a cephalopod tank now.. haha.

yeah really. Cuttlefish were the whole reason I got back into saltwater, but they require alot, and im so absorbed into getting my reef tank "tweaked" that I dont feel I am completly ready for them. I have a 55 gal fuge attached to my sump and DT tank water column, but my next step is to start breeding live feeder foods so I can scratch that worry off of my list.

For the past year or two me and my girlfriend have been following these critters. We DVR every show that comes on featuring them, I have obtained books on cephlapods, and have been doing a lot of research on them via the internet. They are definitely one of the more "RARE" treasures that the ocean holds...almost alien.


Well-Known Member
Congratulations on the baby! Very cute. Good luck and I'll be looking forward to your updates. :)