Cap. Nemos RSM 250

Hi all! I´m now 6 weeks into cycling and some corals are on their way next week. Pics and vid will be due for posting Wednesday 8th. I also have got a nice butterflyfish in since last time I posted. (I know, I´ll start to be more of a frequently poster here!) Things are looking good still. I did a water change last night (50%!!!) due to I had been away for 2 days. I´ll do some tests late tonight. Especially curious about the levels of nitrate and ammonia. Haven´t tested the tank for the past 10 days. Oops! Did some alterations of the rocks as well after advice from my friend which is an expert on corals (he´s a doctor in marine biology!). His advice for me was that in a limited water coloumn (as in tanks!) I would see more of coralgrowth if I keep as many rocks as possible horizontal, i.e the fundament for the corals is maximized for lighting. Another thing he pointed out was to try keeping plates of rock at different depths in the tank. This in order to have as many areas as possible exposed to both flow and especially light, but also to try to stimulate areas in the tank in best beneficial ways for the different corals. Corals have way different needs as he says, and many could have way better looking tanks if they pondered a bit more over this, as he said. So, I did what my friend said (doctor´s orders!), and I now realize that my tank eventually will look more spectacular when corals come in due to his advice.

Another thing: I´ve been reading here and there on this forum about moonlight LEDs as in strips, but what about exchanging one of the lighttubes with a moonlighttube? Will that affect the daylight in such a way that it´s not enough sufficient daylight? Anyone?


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't change out a T5 for moonlights. Your RSM 250 should have moonlight LEDs built in?
Sure has stock moonlights, Steve. Guess I´ll have to go for a couple of LED-strips then. Any particular recommendations on products, preferably with a controller?


Well-Known Member
Do you have a controller currently? RKL or Apex? If not, you can get one of these and but the moonlight modules and, of course they can control multiple things such as temp, ph, light timer, fan or chiller, etc.
Hey Cat, thanks for the tip! But I don´t know how to fit these things to the RSM. I mean, the timer is integrated in the hood, so are everything else as you know fans, pumps, etc. So I´m curious of how you have done this - how have you fitted this computer/controller to your Max? Do you have blueprint I can study, that would be great! :)

Do you have a controller currently? RKL or Apex? If not, you can get one of these and but the moonlight modules and, of course they can control multiple things such as temp, ph, light timer, fan or chiller, etc.


Well-Known Member
No, I have my RKL on a regular 29g. I may want to use it on my 250, and I may still, since I don't have a power center for it yet. I may install the PC4 where the power center normally goes. That may not be a look that some like....
No, I have my RKL on a regular 29g. I may want to use it on my 250, and I may still, since I don't have a power center for it yet. I may install the PC4 where the power center normally goes. That may not be a look that some like....

I understand that the controllers work like switches that turn on and off the power to the different pumps, etc. in tanks through the power center. But that leaves us no better unless we exchange the power centre that came with the tank with the power center that usually comes with a controller set, right? The trick is then to find a power center that fits right into the default power center´s slot. Wait a I getting this right? If so that would still leave us with a lack of power outlet for extra moonlight for instance. One might possibly bypass this problem by keeping the new controller´s power center somewhere else than in the stock power centers designated slot, and then have room for quite a few extra outlets for accesory items we might want to have in our tank. Am I totally in the wilderness here? I suspect this, however, might introduce some challenges with the leads, cause will they alltogether go through the crack at the back (righthand side) where the main power lead goes?
Hi everyone! Been busy last couple of weeks. Yesterday I thought I was hearing impaired, cause the strangest thing happened. I just bought myself a ozone generator (TMC V2 generator). Yes, I know people differ in opinion about using ozone. But it´s a very efficient way to break down fish waste products as a cleaning agent. Especially getting rid of yellowing compounds, and suppresses parasite, bacterial as well as fungal activity. So the decision was easy. But to unravel the revelation I had: Once I had connected the ozone generator to the tube leading down to the skimmer and its impeller I thought I had gone deaf...there was SIGNIFICANTLY less noise coming from my tank!! At first I thought something was wrong, checked everything was turned on and connected, and everything was just hunky dory and top dog for Xmas. The skimmer works now better than ever as well due to the ozone generator. The difference in skimming quality was striking and so immediate I couldn´t avoid noticing. Working up a finer, denser and firmer foam than ever. And after a day with the ozone generator the water in my tank is incredibly crystal clear! I also bought a Tunze Nanostream 6025 circ pump (2,800 l/h) to add more flow and an Eheim auto-feeder. No need to feel bad for not being there all the time for feeding the fish at regular times anymore!

I also have some new inhabitants in my tank. Quite a few actually (another reason for purchasing the ozone generator): One Sleeper gold headed goby (Valenciennea Strigata) a truly beautiful fish which besides looking beautiful also puts in quite a lot of labour in my tank there he´s siphoning the sand almost all the time, spewing out clouds of sand. Very entertaining to watch!

I also have a big Blue Tang (Paracanthurus hepatus) which after a day inbetween the rocks has joined the party along with my Convict Tang. I was a bit worried they might get into trouble with each other, but the Convict is so easy and calm, so it appears it all works out fine. They swim around as mates now.

Last fishy is a Kaudern´s Cardinal (Pterapogon kaudemi). Very slow, doesn´t move about much, and seems to thrive in the corners of my tank. Beautiful fish.

Another addition is a Fancy banded Serpent seastar (Ophiocoma sp.).

I also have a four headed Euphyllia (I think it´s a Torch coral) and two other frags which names I´m not certain of. I´ll post pics and video, maybe you guys can help me out determine what type of corals they are? :) My video project I was writing about has come to a temporary halt as the marine lens which I was supposed to use turned out to be damaged. :( If anyone knows of a way to capture video with a marine lens, please let me know.

all the best,

Was the noise difference due to the skimmer running more quiet after the ozone?

Yes, the skimmer both works better and makes less noise - significantly less!ad I just known this from the start, I´d setup a ozone generator months ago. Now it´s just the noisefrequence coming from the hoodfans that really are noticeable. :)
Hi Roger, yes I´m using the stock skimmer. (Ser du bor på Stabekk, Roger. Vurderer å selge min RSM 250 med en god del ekstrautstyr. Så kjenner du noen som er interessert i et STRØKENT Pearly White RSM 250 Max med masse utstyr, så kan du jo gi lyd.

Ekstrautstyr og akvatonisk/biologisk masse består av: 1/6 HP Boyu kjøler, komplett R/O anlegg MED SILIKATFILTER, TMC V2 Ozone generator, 35 kg indonesisk LS, 27 kg aragonittsand, 1 blå kirurg/palett, 1 Convict kirurg, 4 Chromis viridis, 1 nyyyydelig Sleeper Gold Head Goby (min favoritt, hulk...), 1 kardinalfisk (bangai) samt 2 spreke og sprelske klovner, samt 1 LPS-korall Euphyllia glabresus samt to frags (bobleanemone og en jeg ikke vet navnet på). Testkit, 23 kg uåpnet H2Ocean salt, hevert, optisk refraktometer, 350 l R/O reservoar m/kraftig pumpe, samt TMC (Tropical Marine Centre) justerbare og kraftige (leverer på kar opptil 2500 liter) V2 Ozon generator.

mob. 902 98 150


Hi Roger, yes I´m using the stock skimmer. (Ser du bor på Stabekk, Roger. Vurderer å selge min RSM 250 med en god del ekstrautstyr. Så kjenner du noen som er interessert i et STRØKENT Pearly White RSM 250 Max med masse utstyr, så kan du jo gi lyd.

Ekstrautstyr og akvatonisk/biologisk masse består av: 1/6 HP Boyu kjøler, komplett R/O anlegg MED SILIKATFILTER, TMC V2 Ozone generator, 35 kg indonesisk LS, 27 kg aragonittsand, 1 blå kirurg/palett, 1 Convict kirurg, 4 Chromis viridis, 1 nyyyydelig Sleeper Gold Head Goby (min favoritt, hulk...), 1 kardinalfisk (bangai) samt 2 spreke og sprelske klovner, samt 1 LPS-korall Euphyllia glabresus samt to frags (bobleanemone og en jeg ikke vet navnet på). Testkit, 23 kg uåpnet H2Ocean salt, hevert, optisk refraktometer, 350 l R/O reservoar m/kraftig pumpe, samt TMC (Tropical Marine Centre) justerbare og kraftige (leverer på kar opptil 2500 liter) V2 Ozon generator.

mob. 902 98 150

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Well-Known Member
Aye Captain! Glad to hear about the noise reduction. Can you post some pics of your pretty fish?
A new video in HD from my tank. Been around and about for a few weeks now, but vacation time is here - YIIHAA!!!. To celebrate I have of course done what I promised - a brand new video of my tank. Enjoy!



NaClH2O Addicted
Very nice video! I'm not sure what that algae is?

The first coral question looks a lot like my Hairy Mushrooms, but I don't know the Scientific name - maybe a Rhodactis sp. ?:


The second are a type of striped mushrooms:

Saltwater Aquarium Corals for Marine Reef Aquariums: Green Striped Mushroom


Active Member
Nice video, how do you find the damsels getting on with each other? I've heard that even in a shoal they tend to pick on the weakest, sometimes until only the dominant one is left.
Thanks alot, Terry! Great to have your feedback - I had absolutely no idea what type of coral I chucked in, I just got a couple of frags for free from a guy I bought the Bangai from, even he didn´t know what type of coral it was. I am going to rearrange my tank a bit - hopefully in a way that doesn´t stir up too much stress, because I won´t be moving my fish out of the tank. New pics of my tank post-rearrangements will be posted here. Your corals are beautiful and more fully grown than mine (after all I just have frags!). Can´t wait until I get more corals and colours in there!

All the best,


Very nice video! I'm not sure what that algae is?

The first coral question looks a lot like my Hairy Mushrooms, but I don't know the Scientific name - maybe a Rhodactis sp. ?:


The second are a type of striped mushrooms:

Saltwater Aquarium Corals for Marine Reef Aquariums: Green Striped Mushroom