Bobs Vent Thread, Stick It Wall.


Active Member
I was actually thinking of getting an aquapod or something on that line for either my bedroom or computer room. But you never know what will happen when I actually go to buy it. Every X-Mas we get a nice bonus here at work so I plan on either buying a Solaris for my 54 or buying another setup. Only bad things can happen when walking into the LFS with $2500.00 in my pocket,lol.


JAson I want to be on your Christmas list this year :)

I would like either of these:

A) 48" Solaris G series
B) Sonala with MH fixture
C) RedSeaMax complete system
D) Zero Edge 22ZR system
ZeroEdge Aquarium Corp. :: News

Just PM me for shipping address and other details :)


Well-Known Member
I will have you know Jason, not all women are like that... there are a lot of good ones too. so ignore Bob... :D


Well-Known Member
Go for the Solaris. Mine should be here this week.
If you are looking at nanos you should check out the Solana. They look really sharp but I don't think I know anyone who has one. I know I want one. :)


DITTO to Lynn :) She must be reading My mind (very dangerous area to be playing around in lil girl) *Grins*


I looked at that one first hand at MACNA last weekend... and it's just MY opinion but I like the square one better. The roundness looks cool but it does provide a small amount of distortion when looking into the tank. Maybe it's just my eyes though so take it with a grain of salt. :)


Well-Known Member
Quick update on the blue tang. It is doing SUPER! It only has some scarring around its eyes and part of the dorsal fin that's still missing but I'm optomistic that it will grow back because it's really not that bad.


Active Member
:bluemad: Bummer something happened. Sorry, Bob. (I missed something I think) Anyway I agree a degree.Some (relationships suck big time if the other person isnt in tune).


Man, about 2 weeks ago I got ANOTHER ticket for running ANOTHER stop sign. The thing is I am sure that I stopped at both of these stop signs. So Thursday afternoon I have to go to court to contest it. I've already been to the Sherrif's department, and filed a harassment complaint, because it was the same guy asking the same stupid irrelivant questions that has given me many tickets. On top of this I'm in the process of moving. Today I get a letter in the mail notifying me that my license is to be suspended from
Oct. 27-Nov.26!!! For the record I deliver pizza for a living... What am I supposed to do with that? The closest place that I can contest this is at least 1&1/2 hours away. So now I'm looking at losing my job, my insurance, my car, and my house. Hopefully judge will show me some sympathy, since I'm really struggling here. Man, I fee like life is just kicking me right between the legs over and over again here lately. When am I ever gonna et a break!?


Active Member
unfortunately the judge will side with the cop if the cop shows up, if he doesn't, you automatically win and get your license back...

in my state mosts cops have cameras in their car, so you can dispute it on the spot. Once you get your license back, be sure to feel the kickback from stopping, even if that means the last 2-3mph you stop harder than normal.. count to 3 slowly and then start moving, so that if they do have videos, its very clear your wheels stop moving -- because then even if they dont let you dispute it on the spot, you can go to court and they have to use the video and the judge can see.. couple times of that, and all of a sudden the cops looking at getting in trouble especially if you make it a BIG deal in court.

thats my advice to you anyways :)


The first one I did dispute on the spot, but the second I just grit my teeth and took it. The cops here have cameras too, but I don't think they turn on unti the lights come on.


Active Member
see when my cousin disputed something for running a stopsign on the spot, they brought him back to the car and showed him the replay.. and of course he couldn't deny that he did infact run the stop sign.. but i know people who have proven that they didn't