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  1. meandean45

    OT: What does your screen name mean & why did you pick it?

    Absolutely!!! She's the best Mother a Teen-age Delinquent could have had! LoL! She's 85 now, with a bum knee, so at least when I hear all three names now, I can out run her! Yup, ya gotta love 'em. Regards, Dean
  2. meandean45

    OT: What does your screen name mean & why did you pick it?

    LOL Craig! I always knew when I was in trouble with my Mom when she used all three names! I still shudder at the sound of "Dean Allen White!",(Yup! Three Last names!) and I'm nearly 50 now! I got the "Meandean" part from an ex-boss, Who used to call me Mean Dean from Abilene, like it was all...
  3. meandean45

    Hi, I'm a FW guy looking to setup first reef

    Hi Jaubuchon! Welcome to the RS! I assume that you already know that large tanks are more easily kept than smaller ones, so won't go into that. I won't advise you to shut down a FW tank either. My opinion is for you to purchase the largest new tank that you can afford/have room for, and then...
  4. meandean45

    Our tanks any tips?

    Hi Gayle! Welcome to the RS! This sounds like a 55 gallon reef and a 130 fish only. Get the fluval filter and the Bio-balls out of the 55, they'll cause you nitrate trouble sooner or later. A good protien Skimmer (rated for at least a 150 gallon tank) should be your' next purchase for the...
  5. meandean45

    Ocean nitrates expected to go up

    Can anybody prove any of this? I read a lot of "could, should, might, etc.", but see no definitive proof that any of this has anything to do with corn, or that corn WILL cause this problem to get worse. Our government and the media have a long history of manipulating information to get what they...
  6. meandean45

    Is this forum Dead?

    Wow! No new posts/threads for over six months! Doesn't anybody have anything to say about what's going on in this hobby anymore? I just checked in, and found my thread about tank bred fish still at the top of the list after six months of inactivity. I'm a little disappointed. Regards, Dean
  7. meandean45

    Thanks for welcome

    Hi Frauleinmm ! The size of the tank depends as much on money, space, willingness to work on it and what you want to keep in it as anything else. The common wisdom used to be that you didn't start a reef smaller than 55 gallons, but an awful lot of people start a Nano reef and suceed with as...
  8. meandean45

    Skimmer gone wild

    Hi Drew, You did the right thing. Just keep lovering the cup as the level of foam goes down until you're back to where you had it in the beginning. Berlin skimmers can be rather fussy when you make big changes in water pollution. Regards, Dean
  9. meandean45

    BTA bleached?

    Hi Kathy Try placing a silversides on the BTAs' tentacles, close to her mouth. I fit won't stick, or she won't take it,you probably have a very ill Anemone on your' hands. She should eat it greedily, and quickly. Dentoid's right, if she's lost her Zooanthellae, she most definitely needs to be...
  10. meandean45

    bubble tip anemone

    HI George! If your BTA has found a spot where it likes the current/lighting, it should pretty much stay put if you feed it once or twice a week. mine has been in the same spot for years. Regards' Dean
  11. meandean45

    STT to VT

    Hi Drew! If you wait a few days the sand should settle out of your system in the sump. then just syphon it out. You'll probably see this quite a bit until the fines get out of the top layer of your' sand bed, probably several weeks. it will happen alot if you have sand stirring fish early in...
  12. meandean45

    Never going to beleive this!!

    Hiya Nooob! I'd suggest that you screen off your' overflow with a section of plastic "Gutter Guard", available at most hardware stores for about $6.00 per roll. It's really great that your guys made it, congratulations! Regards. Dean
  13. meandean45

    one skimmer or two

    So is Houston still a decent place to live? I worked in the "Patch" back in the "80's, but moved back here to VT. in '88. Lived at Champions Green out on FM 1960 for a while then moved out to Tomball, then Spring, before a short stint in Corpus. I miss the warmer weather in the winter, but don't...
  14. meandean45

    one skimmer or two

    :bday1: Cool Man! Happy Birthday! Must be nice to be so young! I,ve got 10 years on you. Suddenly I understand the lack of patience! LOL! My Uncles always told me that you don't get any real patience 'till you get old, and that you don't get OLD untill you're 40! I believe the part about...
  15. meandean45

    one skimmer or two

    LOL! That sounds like it could be the new RS pledge! "Hello, my name is Dean, and I'm a Reefaholic....." ROTFLMAO! Dean
  16. meandean45

    electricity experts!!

    Did your' friend the Electrician reccomend "Ground Fault Circuit Interupters" (GFCI's)? Always a good idea around water. Dean
  17. meandean45

    one skimmer or two

    Hi Phoneman! Gotta give you a "10" for that avitar! I'm afraid that Boomer D and steve are right, you'll buy a lot of "Junk" in this hobby. Boomer D is also right about the ratings (how many gallons a particular piece of equipment will handle), although I think that your' Prizm Pro MIGHT be...
  18. meandean45

    OT: LORDY LORDY!! LYNN'S turned 40!!

    Re: LORDY LORDY!! LYNN'S turned 40!! :bday1: Hi Lynn! Happy Birthday! The plate is a great start, hope that the rest is equally as cool. And remember, 40 is still young, 80 is old:), Trust me. May today be the best birthday ever, and many, many more to come! Dean
  19. meandean45

    Elegance Coral theory

    Hi Darrell! I'm glad to see that the self appointed "Experts" didn't manage to drive you away from the rest of us:) ! "Elegance Disease" is itself a "Theory"! Did I miss something, or has someone out there somehow proved its' cause? For all of the "Experts" theories, I've yet to see one...
  20. meandean45

    Stray Voltage in Tank?

    Hello Bluespot! I'm glad to hear that things are starting to go your' way:snshne: ! It's pleasing to hear that the Reefkeeper wasn't the problem, but I'd consider replacing that heater:smirk: . I hope that things will continue to go well for you. By the way, nice pics of a good looking...