Recent content by Dking271

  1. D

    HELP! Is my pistol shrimp capable of doing such a thing?

    I found a good size gorilla crab in my tank after not adding anything in the tank for 3 years. It took a few weeks to catch him once I knew where he was hiding. I took pleasure watching him get devoured by a Parotfish at my LFS.
  2. D

    4 gallon quarantine tank

    Yes, you can use the 4 as a quarantine tank for small fish. I completely disagree with having sand and live rock in a quarantine tank. If you have to medicate, the live rock and sand would be ruined. It is better to use a bare bottom and keep biological media in your display tank sump for a...
  3. D

    A Picture A Day......

    Candy Cane/Trumpet coral photo bombed by my Bicolor Blenny.
  4. D

    liveaquaria gave me a freebie!

    I have never had anything die, I had one Flasher wrasse that I didn't think would make it. A slow acclimation, followed by quarantine/rehab and it ended up recovering very well. I have been very happy with everything I have ordered from them.
  5. D

    Tiger Pistol Shrimp Questions

    It is natural for them to prey on ornamental and cleaner shrimp. Mine popped my Fire Red shrimp, but hasn't managed to get the Emerald Crab. I think the Emerald Crab has better defenses, and I rarely see him in the sand. He also moves pretty fast if the shrimp is anywhere near him.
  6. D

    Something is eating my shrimp

    I'll place my bet on the Pistol shrimp. I know some people can get them to live together, but Pistol shrimp are a natural predator of cleaner shrimp. I know mine took out a Fire shrimp five times it's size when it was less than an inch big.
  7. D

    Light conversions

    I have two RSM 130 tanks converted to LEDS. One has the RapidLED conversion and the other is Steve's LEDS. I am getting great coral growth with both systems, but my preference leans heavily toward the Steve's systems. The RapidLED system has three set programs if you want the sunrise/sunset...
  8. D

    Steve's LED's Need Help Please

    Glad you got it all worked out. I had a feeling you would find the controller wrapped up in the box.
  9. D

    Steve's LED's Need Help Please

    Are you sure the Typhoon was not wrapped in bubble wrap? It looks like you have the power cord for the Typhoon in your first picture above the old parts close to the timer. I'm not sure why they won't work, but if it was set up for the Typhoon the jumper on the driver would have been removed...
  10. D

    Need help with Steve's LEDs

    I installed Steve's LEDs yesterday on my RSM 130D and everything was working except the Typhoon controller. A quick email to Steve's and I was told how to set it up. I had it working, put it together and then only the blue lights would work. I took it apart and could not get it working, so I...
  11. D

    Getting ready to install Steve's LEDs

    Here is one of the tank after a few hours...didn't have time for the real camera so a quick phone shot.
  12. D

    Getting ready to install Steve's LEDs

    Here are some pics...
  13. D

    Getting ready to install Steve's LEDs

    Install is complete, and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I took my time and tried to keep everything clean and tidy. I had more trouble getting the plugs out to remove the screws than any other part of the project. I have many pictures and will post as time permits.
  14. D

    Getting ready to install Steve's LEDs

    I think I get the Typhoon... I connect port 2 to red to channel 1 positive pin (5v), and port 4 to black to channel 1 negative pin. Here is the question, it looks like in the Steve's download for using the dimmer knobs, it recommends connecting both drivers to one channel, is that the best...
  15. D

    Getting ready to install Steve's LEDs

    Ok, I am going to work on the lights tomorrow morning. The only thing that I am somewhat confused about is connecting the the Typhoon controller. Is this why the cat5 wire is needed? Can someone please elaborate on how to connect this into the system? I am planning on keeping the dimmer knobs.