Wooster 200 Gallon Progress


Ichthy Inquisitor
Just some quick updates for you all....School year is winding down. Tank is doing fine and Kmoney and I will be doing some reaquascaping when school finishes next week. The tank did not meet all the expectations I had for it but this year was a "testing" ground for how to use it in the science classes here. One problem we did have was the room it was located in. We have a temporary wall that has to be removed. This is something Kmoney will be doing, so we can get a full class in there. I also used this year to strengthen my learning so I can really make an impact on the students. Next year will be much better with much more involvment.

I will keep you all posted....:)

SoliSteve....would you PM me please....You have given me some ideas as well!



Well-Known Member
Are you leaving the tank up over the summer?
My kids marine biology class has to take everything down at the end of the year and move to his home tanks.
I gave them 5 anemones this year (mine keep splitting and I just can't keep that many) and now they have to move again. :( Hope they are happy in their new home.


Well-Known Member
One Condy, 2 bubble tips, and 2 beadlet anemones. That's what I gave the school. Have 3 bubble tips and 2 beadlets now, but I think Woodstock may take one of the bubble tips.


Ichthy Inquisitor
Yes Lynn we leave it up all summer. I think it would be entirely too difficult to break it down every year. We take turns during the summer taking care of it.

Craig your fish are doing fine. I will try to snap a couple of shots for you...



Ichthy Inquisitor
Will post some pics for you tomorrow or Friday Craig....

I would like some advice.....We have Craig's old 80 gallon tank and I was discussing with my department chair on what to do with it. He came up the idea to set up some type of mini tide pool off the 80 gallon tank. This would certainly be some new type of set up but could be a project for next year along with teaching the students on the 200...

Would love to hear RS's opinions on this....


Craig Manoukian

Well-Known Member
Good idea, tanks can be set up for many different habitats. A tide pool with low flow and a surge set for low and high tide would be trick project.

Can't wait to see the pics. Any more thoughts on the 20 gallon?