Why are men so stubborn?


Well-Known Member
So for years, I have asked my husband to get a colonoscopy(he is 10 years older than me). Larry would roll his eyes at me, like I was crazy and did not know what I was talking about. So, when I turned 50 and my OB/GYN told me it was time for mine; I suggested again that Larry get one too, he still rolled his eyes and told me nobody was sticking anything up his butt. Finally 1.5 years ago, I talked him into getting a physical at which he refused his prostrate exam for the same reason that he has been refusing the colonoscopy. This was a bad idea since his Dad is a prostrate cancer survivor. Well, the doctor put him on medication for high cholesterol and acid reflux. He started passing blood and the doctor told him to stop taking both meds as he was having side effects of passing blood and muscle soreness. Doctor told him when he got to feeling normal he could start new cholesterol meds. Hubby never got to feeling normal. Then I find out, he never stopped passing blood and he was tiring easily. I told him he needed to go to the doctor, but that needed to get his colonoscopy first, because that would be the first thing his doctor made him do. He agreed. Well, they found two polyps and a tumor. They thought it was colon cancer. We found out a week ago that it is actually rectal cancer. Found out today, it is stage three. Rectal cancer is more complicated to treat and more likely to return than colon cancer.
So tomorrow, Larry starts his radiation and chemo. This lasts for 28 days. Then we wait 8 to 10 weeks before he has surgery, then more chemo. Then another surgery to remove the otsomy. Hopefully then he will be cancer free. Just frequent colonoscopies and some CT scans.
Just think, it could have all been prevented if he just wasn't so damn stubborn....
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Well-Known Member
Well after his blood transfusion last week and 1.5 weeks of iron supplements, Larry's hemoglobin has gone from 8.9 to 10.1. Today his took his started his Chemo and radiation treatments. These treatments last for 28 days, then about eight weeks of recuperating before surgery. His battle against cancer has officially begun.
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Princess Diana
Sorry to hear your bad news :( long road ahead, hang in there. Best wishes for successful treatment.


JoePa lives on!!!
Staff member
I hope everything turns out for you guys. Staying up on your health goes a long way .


Well-Known Member
Good luck on the treatments ,, we have very good doctors and meds now days so cancer can be beat ,, you have my prayers,, I am pretty stubborn too and can relate to him but i have had my colonoscopy and i have 6 month check ups,,


Well-Known Member
Debbie Bishop Gaither Went with Larry to his radiation and doctor's appointment. He has been concerned with some of the issues he's been having the last week. I went because I wanted to hear what the oncologist told him. I had the feeling that they were normal side effects based on what we were told at the Presbyterian Cancer Clinic. Doctor confirmed that everything he is experiencing is normal. Nothing bad really just an upset stomach every morning that last for two hours and then he is good for the rest of the day.


Well-Known Member
Larry had his cancer surgery this morning. They allow three hours for it and it only took an hour. His surgeon is very pleased. Dr. Morrison, the surgeon, said Larry is cruising right through it.


Debbie that's GREAT news!

Well wishes and prayers for Larry and best wishes and prayers for the whole family.



Social Media Moderator
Wow... I just caught sight of this thread. I'm so sorry you guys are going through this. Stay strong, and know that many people are thinking of you two.