which reef safe fish has the most personality?


Active Member
So far, with my limited experience, I would have to vote for a Diamond Sifter Goby. Loves to move sand, make caves, and show off.
My lawnmower blenny is great...so fun to watch...even as he lounges in a soap dish with acans!


I say Hawkfish for sure,, I have a flame and he entertains my dog all day long , that is also so crazy about the sailfin post doing flips
I really loved my copperband, problem with butterflys though is they can be great one day and dead the next...same with goat fish.


My yellow-tail blue Damsel is awesome. He is like the littlest kid on the playground that constantly thinks he needs to prove himself. He even bites my hand when Im doing tank maintenance. Definitely the most flamboyant character in my tank.


i have to say a bi-colored blenny, thier eyes seem to be always looking in two different directions, mine attacks me everytime i put my hand in the tank
Lawnmower blennie! I have a powder blue tang, scopas tang, pair of mandarins, pair of maroon clowns. Out of what i have my blennie has way more personality than all the others. If i am at that tank doing something it will just prop it self on a rock and hang out and watch me like my kids do.


Active Member
Out of what i have my blennie has way more personality than all the others. If i am at that tank doing something it will just prop it self on a rock and hang out and watch me like my kids do.

Cool!! You keep your kids in the tank too? :D LOL Sorry, its Friday and I couldn't help my self. Here is a good reef safe fish with lots of good personality.



I'd have to go with the noble Bluespot Jawfish.


Years ago, I had a Bursa Trigger and he had a great deal of character and personality.


New Member
all are excellent choices but the mystery wrasse is often overlooked. sometimes my wrasse swims vertically! looks like "gonzo" of the muppets and always has what appears to be a smile!!


Nice fish. Does he bother the corals, clam or your hand (when in the tank)?

He bothers absolutely nothing at all. I have a female as well that is smaller. They are both very docile. Except eating, he gets his fill then everyone can resume eating, lol. Great fish to have IMO, reef or not. These and crosshatch are the only shallow water triggers...??? reef safe, yep
I have a mated pair of clowns that are pretty big. The female is about4 1/2 inches and she bites me, Hard! when I really get in there to clean. Hurts too the little @$#%! . lol she gets me good sometimes. I smacked my elbow into the rim of the tank ripping my arm out after she nailed me good.haha got mad at that one...


I swear they are plotting something against me, but it's still fun to watch them all swim around, and then stop and stare at me when I walk by... like... "Shhhh... here he comes...."

Lol this was too funny! :laughroll