whats a good fish for a 28 nano reef?


What is a good fish for a 28 gallon nano reef? I have a yellow clown goby, a helfrichi fire fish, and a tangaroa goby. I am looking for a fish that swims and does not hop around on rocks. Any ideas?


Well-Known Member
Most of the fish people tend to keep in smaller systems are small, and as such are going to want that rock work that they can go into if they feel threatened. Not too many are going to swim in the open.

A few that come to mind are royal gramma, spotted cardinal (AKA PJ cardinal), yellowhead jawfish (needs a DSB), and Banggai Cardinal. There are many other possible choices.


Well-Known Member
A Cherub angel perhaps? There's always a possibility that a dwarf/pygmy angel will nip at some of your corals, but these do seem to have a better track record than others. Lots of personality too.


Well-Known Member
RS Ambassador
Clowns...i keep 2 in a 29g cube, along with their nem. They are always coming out to the glass to beg.


I thought about the cherub angel. I was worried that it would bully the helfrichi firefish. Do you think it would?


Well-Known Member
I don't think so, as long as there's plenty of hiding spots in the tank. Your just going to have to roll the dice and find out. Be prepared to get rid of one of the fish if worst comes to worst though. GL.