Trach Brain


I've seen lots of pics of lobo and trach brains that were showing some of the white skeleton material protruding through the flesh covering. I've had mine for over 2 yrs and this week it is starting to do that, I am very unhappy with that. BTW, what up with that condition? Normal, stressed, declining, aging or dieing? Anyone know?


Well-Known Member
If the coral looks to be not right from what you are use to seeing it then I would check all your water parameters and start there.


Yes test everything and post back here.

Seen anything "nipping" at it''s flesh?

anything changed in the last couple of months? ANYTHING at all?


Ammonia (NH3-4) ........................Good ......................................... 0.007
Nitrite (NO2)................................Good ......................................... 0.003
Nitrate (NO3)...............................Good .............................................0.3
Phosphate (PO4) ..........................Good ........................................... 0.01
Silica (SiO2-3) ............................. High..............................................0.9
Potassium (K) ...............................Low............................................. 342
Calcium (Ca)................................Good ............................................ 367
Boron (B) ....................................Good .............................................5.5
Molybdenum (Mo).........................Good .............................................0.1
Strontium (Sr) .............................Good .............................................9.5
Magnesium (Mg) ..........................Good .......................................... 1163
Iodine (I¯)...................................Good ........................................... 0.06
Copper (Cu++) ............................Good ........................................... 0.02
Alkalinity (meq/L)..........................Low............................................ 2.46

Big A, the only thing changed is my old Solaris finnally crapped out and now I am running a stock 6 tube Extreme Pro with stock bulbs.


I just read a post in cherry pickin section of a guy saying mushrooms can hurt trach, I have a large colony of hairy shrooms not far away. Question: This coral warfare something you can see or chemicals released or maybe both? I've never seen anything in the water between them.


New Member
I've noticed that my trach started looking really bad when my alkalinity was low, but my lobo was fine. Maybe trach's are more sensitive to alkalinity. I hope yours is looking better now.


Active Member
Trachs are sensitive to alkalinity - I have lost one which I am pretty sure was due to that. I would suggest raising the alkalinity and keeping a close eye on it.


New Member
I've noticed the same in my coral. Once the flesh disappears, is it possible it will spread back out once it is doing better and take the old spots where it once was? I have no idea how they grow/reproduce.