Toms 75 - And So It Begins


So, after procrastinating for months I finally bit the bullet and purchased a new toy. MP40 here we come. Can wait to see what all the fuss is about!


Quick up date. I'll get some updated pic up over the next few day. Last week my t5 fixture partially fried out. Ordered myself two AI Sol super blue which came on Friday. Biggest tease was the had to sit in the box till today as we had a family camping trip planned (which was a blast. Fishing with the 4yo daughter = fun). Well after I took plenty of time hanging them all I can say is WOW. EVen my wife had a "holy bleep" moment when we fired them up. They bring a totally new appearance to the tank. Will be playing with settIng for a while but am starting at about 40% with the units 10" above the water. Coverage is great.


Here are some recent photos. The koralia wave maker is gone and my flow is now coming from an mp40esw and a mp10esw on opposite shorts sides running at about 70% reefcrest in anti sync. Also have the nano wavebox and things are starting to look really good. Over the past month I've been slowly upping the AI Sols. They are now at 40/50/50 at the peak. I will contine to keep upping them slowly. So far the transition from the T5 lighting has gone smoothly.





My last toy for a while has just been installed. I've been reading steve13 thread and he's been very happy with biopellets. My nitrates are stuck around 4ppm and my phosphates at about 0.08ppm. I'm vigilant about my husbandry, have reduced feeding etc. I've been running a cheato ball and it grows but the nitrates are just stable. And i do have a resonable amount of gha in som areas. So with that said, I got my self an Avast Marine reactor and some dr tims pellets and she's off. I'm planning on slowly building the amount of media up per dr tims instructions and then just setting and forgetting. I'll keep you updated on the experiment.