The Nano is dead. Long Live THE 23!!!


Active Member
thanks for the info. hes definatly a possabilty. our LFS has them eating frozen foods as well so thats a plus from the start. Just kinda still mulling it over. my only concern is that L.A. says their "minimum tank size" is 30G and its a 14G cube, but he would be in there with only 1 other fish, the clown goby of less than 1" size, so its still a maybe. I think the tanks flow would be perfect for him, its just the standard ocianic pump thats something like 106GPH.......not alot, but great for the soft corals in there now...... thanks again for your input, I'll let you know what we decide


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Hi GlassMunky! We think a Honshu would be fine in there. They are really not that large a pipefish compared to the other breeds. Any changes to our tank are designed with the Honshu in mind, he's the "Star" of our show!


I love that, "Pilot Quentin"... Has a nice ring to it. I also love how you assumed that I'd be mulling through your thread, and actually reading :D That being said, I can see the resemblance:

Really liking the new corals as well! I think SPS are pretty cool, even if they're a bit of a challenge! Hope you have fun with them! I think my favorite is your "green slimer" :)

You know, I've read that clownfish nip arcopora, so if you're willing to risk that, why not risk a clown goby? Just sayin, there aren't many fish that don't have some risk or quirk associated with them... Can't wait to see some action shots of your little guy! I remember when we put our first clownfish in our tank, he was a little wiggler for sure!


Active Member
Hi Pilot Quentin! The clown is a wiggler, just like a happy tail wagging lab!! (Tracy thinks the sun rises and sets on her chocolate Lab, but I'll get her to see the light and turn her in to a German Shepherd girl!!) So, is that a Honshu Bi-plane?


Haha, I've never owned either breed, but I'd lean towards a Sheperd myself... Sorry Tracy!

Yup, Dave, that's the great Honshu Biplane, lol, AKA a Sopwith Camel. One of the British aircraft for the first world war, and the first one that came to mind when you said "Old Biplane".


Active Member
that top pic is GREAT! love the colors! and also like the idea of a long tenticle plate.... one of them fancy ones with multi colors ;)


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Just a couple more quick photos. I need to set up the tripod and try and get some low light pics.


A new mushroom starting


Another new mushroom starting



Are these your yellow colony polyps under moonlights?!

They look awesome! I want to know how you keep your tanks so prolific, too... Amazing.


Active Member
Hi Quentin! Yes, those are the Yellow Polyps. We're not sure that we have the touch for keeping things alive. But we do have access to the most amazing LFS (Salt Water Paradise) and they carry the most diverse and healthiest looking stock that we have seen anywhere. Their tanks are just amazing! So we bring home what they carry and follow their instructions for care and things just seem to do well.

The other day we looked in our tank after lights out and noticed that the Green Slimer had some very long tentacles out waving in the water column. That has caused us to think that the slimer is an "after dark" feeder. But we're still researching and learning about our newest corals. We tried to grab a photo of the tentacles in the dark showing how they are longer than in the daylight.

These photos taken with just the light leakage from a small LED light on our HOB AC110 fuge so the shutter speed was very slow and movement is clearly seen. But tentacle extension is still noticeable.



These photos taken under a tungsten bulb so the colours are off a bit but with the additional light we could freeze the movement a little better.



The diversity on our little reef is certainly changing and some of the more difficult to keep corals are finding their way here. We have seen and read so many chronicles and postings from other reef enthusiasts and without all of that help we wouldn't have had the nerve to try them. So we hope that everyone is enjoying our little tank, it is the result of all the positive encouragement and great advice that we've received here!


Active Member
Hi uslanja!! Great pics and your clownfish is cute!! I can't believe Olivia will have a 150!! You guys are way cool grandparents!! Hope she is doing well!!


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Hi mightyreefer 0! Thanks for the info on the long tentacle plates. We have seen some plates called "short tentacled" that were quite long, so we should be able to get something that visually fits the bill. The colours that we have seen during our online research is amazing. We have room for only one, but........ which one?


Active Member
We have had chronically low Ph and alkalinity since we started our tanks. Now that we are adding some new corals we started dosing to correct the deficiency. In just a couple of weeks things have really started growing.

These Purple Encrusting Polyps have started to spread quite quickly.


This feather duster was sticking out above the polyps just a few days ago. It had better start building its tube longer.


The Frogspawn is nice and plump.


The Torch Coral looks to have good tentacle extension.


A piece of rubble with three little mushrooms was moved into the shadow of a rock and they are starting to grow.


These Yellow Polyps tentacles are quite long.


The Green Slimer has good polyp extension. We're watching the colouring to make sure it is satisfied with the lighting. We think it looks like its doing OK.



These Palys are nice and plump.


We think this hitch hiker is some type of Gorgonian. It has produced a matt that is spreading out from its base across the rock. If anyone has any idea what type of coral it is, we would love to know.


These mushrooms are spreading out nice.




And finally, my favorite photo of the day.



Active Member
I just got home and out of curiosity started poking around in Tracy's photobucket files. Look what I found!!





