Storing Saltwater


Princess Diana
What are the general rules for storing saltwater once it's mixed up?
I just mixed up way more than I need for my WC cause I put too much salt in and added more RO-Di water to make up the the right salinity level. How long can I safely keep it? Do I need to keep the powerhead running for safe keeping? Or should I just dump it out?


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RS Ambassador
Keep it in food grade containers that block all light, and you can keep it for about a month.


Princess Diana
I'm not sure that my Brute 20 gallon container is "food grade"....I use it to mix up my change water but I keep the pump & heater running. I will look into getting one that says it's "food grade". I don't really have a LFS to run out & get one from. It's a 90minute drive but I will add 5 gallon water container to my list for my next trip. :)
Thanks for your help :girlthumb:


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RS Ambassador
With that setup, your find holding it for 2 weeks to a month. Note the smell of the water. If it starts to smell, dump it.


I would only mix what you are going to use within 3 weeks. I have read that it is good to let mixed saltwater sit for a week and retest before adding it to the tank. Make sure you pump is pushing the water around the mixing station and not up towards the top. I can guess you are keeping the mixed water at the same temp as your tank.


Princess Diana
Thanks guys....normally I mix up closer to what I am going to use a few days before I use it. This time instead of measuring out the salt, I just poured it from the bag. Now, I guess I have enough for 2 water changes....I will use it next week.
I really need to get a "new fish" QT set up but Petco didn't have any sponge filters yesterday.
And their SW tanks looked like death traps :( that's a whole nother story! UUGHH!!!


Well-Known Member
I keep mine in big 5 gallon water bottles that can be sealed. Put it under no or low light, and you can probably keep it for a month. I do that with SEAWATer, which is loaded with life, and it works fine. if you're storing mostly synthetic, sterile water, this should last longer than seawater. BTW where was that picture taken?


Princess Diana
I keep mine in big 5 gallon water bottles that can be sealed. Put it under no or low light, and you can probably keep it for a month. I do that with SEAWATer, which is loaded with life, and it works fine. if you're storing mostly synthetic, sterile water, this should last longer than seawater. BTW where was that picture taken?

I just bought myself a 5gal. water container from the fish store. They sell & store water in them (it has a screw on lid) so I will be using that. I just don't like the idea of using water that has been sitting uncirculated in my mixing bucket days after I unplug the pump.
That picture was taken in my bathroom...I keep my mixup buckets & RO-Di system in the unused bathtub :D


Well-Known Member
Diana when I bought water from lfs (in 2009 for a year) I would get 8 of the 5 gallon jugs full at a time, 6 sw & 2 ro/di to topoff with, for my RSM 130D, I changed water in the 130D 5 gallons a week & my sw stored for 6 weeks no problems al all, I only had to lug the jugs once every six weeks - if this helps.

Now I make up the same 8 5 gallon jugs ro/di for my RSM 250 at a time, then mix salt in 10 gallons batches weekly for my RSM 250. My ro/di water I make up & it last me around 3 weeks.


Princess Diana
Thanks for the re-assurance Glenn.
I am very happy that I have my RO-Di system for making my own water...I would HATE going to fetch water! :grind:
I'm going to work myself out a routine for water changes at 10 day intervals. (thinking WEEKLY bums me out, LOL!) I've only been doing about 6 or 7 gallon changes & I figure I'll set my iPhone up to help me stay on schedule.
My tank is looking SO MUCH better, reaching 3 months old :) I hope I catch a long break in the algae syndromes before whatever come next :D


Well-Known Member
I do about a 13 gallon change every two weeks. When I make that water I have a Rubbermaid type storage container with a lid that I put a pump and heater in and mix for at least 24 hours. I have a another container just like it that I use to pump the old water into it. I pace them side by side and remove as much as I have made. I sit them on towels, so I can easily slide them when they are full and the bottoms don't get dirty and pick up anything from the floor so I can nest them for storage.

As far as RO water. I store close to 20 gallons in the bottom of my linen closet in blue water cans(look like gas cans). Then I store another 6.5 gallon container plus a couple of milk jugs full in the coat closet close to my tank in the living room. I use this to refill my ATO container. There is always one container than does not get consumed, I keep it as an extra. I make sure than it gets used for mixing on the next water change.

Not sure why water mixed water needs to be stored in a light tight container, never heard that before?

As far as your brute container, that is what most people that I know that make large quantities of water, both salt and RO use. They used a power head and a heater so that the water keeps circulating and it is the same temp as the tank and ready for water changes. I have never hear anyone mention that they need to be food grade. Brute trash cans are polyethylene and UDSA Compliant and NSF Listed and are find for mixing water. There are not any additives that should leech from them. Most food containers and stadium cups are made from some sort of Polyethylene.(I sell plastics and recycle them for a living. I have been in the business for almost 30 years.) You do not need to buy a new can. You could have stored the mixed water in that brute can covered with the power head and heater, if you didn't need the bathtub until your next water change. As mentioned, most people with large tanks, pre-mix and store in these brute containers. They keep water constantly made and stored for their next change. I would do this, but I don't have a fish room or a place to store the large brute containers full of water. I make water specifically for my changes and let it stew in a corner of my kitchen for at least 24 hours. That is the minimum amount that has always been recommended to be to let it stew.


Well-Known Member
I use large emergency blue 5 gallon containers to hold saltwater and fresh. I also use a large brute trash can to hold water prepared to my WC.


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RS Ambassador
May be right or it may be wrong but I use a 80 gallon tank that I got for free that always has roughly 50 + - gallons of mixed in it at all times. I've never had any troubles with the mix and I've always kept a large volume of mixed water on hand at all times. I keep a pump in it as well as a heater. I hate mixing just enough and when it comes to WC's I like to get it done as quickly as possible:) As far as my RO water, I use a 20g long that's always full. Both tanks have a plexi cover but are not protected from light in any real way.