Sean's RSM 130D

reefer gladness

Well-Known Member
Was checking out the tank this morning and noticed 2 new small heads on the hammer. Look just about center of the pic near the bottom of the white colored part of the coral skeleton. It has 3 large heads now so should be fun to watch these 2 grow.


reefer gladness

Well-Known Member
The dreaded apitasia and the damage it does... this is about half my original zoa colony, I pulled the rest off and relocated slightly higher in the tank as it only has 1 tiny apitasia bothering it right now.


And new additions to the clean-up crew, 3 peppermint shrimp getting a slow drip acclimation. Hoping at least one of these buggers likes to munch on apitasia, we'll see soon. I've had some success using boiling water to kill apitasia but can't do it to the ones in the zoa colony.


reefer gladness

Well-Known Member
And we have a ton of baby invertabrates recently hatched it seems. I think these little guys have forked tails like nassarius but the color is reddish-brown and I don't see a shell yet. Anyway there's a ton of them elsewhere in the tank.


These are either turban snails (aka false trochus or pyramid snail) or they're spiral banded trochus. I have both in the tank, we'll see once they grow up.



Well-Known Member
They look like flat worms (first picture) to me if so you don't want them. Others will jump in here. Good luck!

reefer gladness

Well-Known Member
Rut roh! I think you nailed it, and they're the red ones too which isn't good. Doesn't look like the fairy wrasse has been interested in eating them and there's no room for another fish like a 6-line or melanarus wrasse. Guess I'll have to try Flatworm Exit and hope for the best. The acro looks good so far (knocks on wood).


Well-Known Member
Good luck with the Flatworm Exit follow the instructions & you should have success with it, as they die try to siphon them out.


Active Member
Good luck with the flatworm genocide!

Also, with the aptasia, did you try Aptasia-X? I have some, but havent used it yet myself. on the aptasia I had on my Christmas tree worm rock, I just hit it with a shot of super glue gel and havent seen it since :) muhahaha take that you little bugger!


reefer gladness

Well-Known Member
I haven't tried Aptasia-X yet, wanted to give the peppermint shrimp a chance first. If they don't get busy in the next few days though I'll be giving it a try. My gf loves the little shrimpers so they're welcome additions even if they don't eat aptasia. Super glue might work but it's a really porous bit of rock and I think it can just pop out the other side.

Anyway, glad I'm learning these lessons now before I upgrade to a larger tank.


Active Member
If your peppermints are anything like mine good luck seeing them though. they like to hide and stay that way unless its dark and they think you cant see em.

reefer gladness

Well-Known Member
Flatworm Exit did a number on the flatworms. Unfortunately the dead flat worms are doing a number on some of the corals. Two of the three heads on the Kryptonite candy-cane were pretty much melted this afternoon. Zoas are still closed and the xenia doesn't look good either. The hammer was really pissed yesterday but seems okay today.

Followed instructions best I could but it's not easy siphoning 2-4mm objects from all the places they can accumulate. A few minutes after I dosed the Flatworm Exit they came out in droves, probably 100 for every 1 that I could see before. Added carbon (CPE) right after they started dying and I use Poly-filter in the first stage of the media rack too. Oh well, I'll dip everything that isn't glued down in some Re-vive tonight and hope for recovery.

reefer gladness

Well-Known Member
Crazy nems! The RBTA has been hanging out in the back of the tank for the past 2 months and seems pretty comfortable back there. Keep hoping she'll come back out in the middle of the tank but that's a nem for ya. Was thinking about trying to relocate her but I'll be taking the 130D down soon so just being patient until I get the new tank setup. Still haven't figured this camera out, the nem has much better color than what the photo represents.



Hi Sean, great looking tank! I was cruising your thread and looks like you have done a number of the upgrades I intend to do. Have a quick question, which pump did you go with for your chiller? I am planning on getting one in a few months for summer and need to do some planning. Are you using the 600 or 1000 and is it in the RSM Sump or your other sump?


reefer gladness

Well-Known Member
Thank you! I have a sump in the cabinet so the chiller is being run from the return pump, an Eheim Compact 2000+. The pump output goes to the chiller about 2 feet away and from the chiller it goes back up the RSM. I like the Eheim pumps a lot, very quiet and the adjustable flow rates are useful. I have the return pump in the sump which does add some heat. If there had been more room in the cabinet I might have tried the external hobby pump.


Great, thanks! hmm I am getting a sump too should be next week. I was thinking about running the compact 2000 in the RSM back chamber to the chiller and keeping it independent. Do you think that pump will fit back there?