Sea Hare

Ellie Morris

New Member
I had a problem with Green Hair Algae and was advised to get a sea hare . It has happly eaten all my algae and my tank looks great. But now I am worried about what it can eat , Can anyone help?

David Shaw

Well-Known Member
Most people return it to the LFS for a trade in when it has done it's job i believe. You don't want it to starve.

Ellie Morris

New Member
Thanks , bought it over the internet . They don't do returns . Will go down to my local fish shop see if they will take it for me . Your right he did his job . Great 'little" creatures

David Shaw

Well-Known Member
I seem to remember reading somewhere that people fed them on sheets of seaweed too, not sure though, might be worth a google.

I am sure your local LFS will take him off your hands though.


Active Member
Yes, most will eat the "nori" You might try to "rent" him out over craigslist, or your local reef club, to others that are fighting the dreaded HA battle.


I've had 5 of them and none of them would touch Nori (and I tried lots of diff types). Trade it or sell it and hopefully it will have a good home in another tank soon.


my issue is you have achieved a means to an end...figure out what caused the HA in the first place..then there will be no need for the nudi..


Mine did a wonderful job also. But before I could find him/her a new home, it died. Be quick my friend, it won't last long!

Ellie Morris

New Member
Thanks so much for all your advise. Going to take him tomorrow to my local store . Will miss him though was amazing chomping through the algae.