Purple Hair Algae????


I had an outbreak of hair algae, not a big deal because I know how to deal with it. In the photos, there is still some green H-A but its a lot better than it was 2 weeks ago. The top rock was completely covered. The question I have is this: have you ever seen purple hair algae? Ive been doing this for 6 or so years now and this is a new one to me.
IM NOT ASKING HOW TO GET RID OF HAIR ALGAE!!! Just asking if youve ever had a purple H-A. Check out the pics.




lol thanks. I have already moved the turbo snail over to it. The reason I was stressing the point that I wasnt asking how to get rid of H-A is because I get so sick of threads with people asking how to get rid of it. I just want to tell them to search it or read a darn book. IMO H-A is one of the easier ones to deal with.


Well, it was water change day anyway, so I did that and manually removed most of the cotton candy algae off of that frag. BTW who ever named that stuff was a huge liar because that crap tasted nothing like cotton candy!

So, we'll see if it makes a comeback.