Protein Skimmer or bio balls


New Member
i have a 14 bio cube with bios balls(thats what it comes with). i didn't know if it would be better to take them out and put in a nano skimmer instead. If i took the boi balls out i've heard the bacteria taken out might cause the tank to crash. what should i do.


The Wand Geek was here. ;)
If you have sand and/or rocks, the bacteria will have plenty of surface area to grow on.
I would use a skimmer instead of bioballs :)


Hello and WELCOME :)

Tank them out slowly over a few water changes. Do you have LIVE rock in the tank? You need SOMETHING to house the beneficial bacteria your tank needs to survive. If you DO have live rock then take them out in maybe 1/3's over the next 3 water changes which allows your system to adjust and repopulate to compensate for the ones lost in the bio-balls. A skimmer is a GREAT idea regardless :)


Well-Known Member
I had this funny vision of BigAl holding long tongs pulling bio balls out like they were toxic or something! LOL


Smile Maker
This is what I did with my bioballs!:lol:


Well-Known Member
The only balls you want are big ones.

the plastic ones tend to harbor nitrates, and lead to dissapointment.:D:invisible :D:invisible
lol i went through the same thing i posted like 15 threads i have my bioballs out i have a sapphire coming in the mail
(dont get teh fission, because it is not worth the energy to hook it up)
thats how bad it is!
get sapphire


Well-Known Member
I have no bio-balls in the tank, just live rock in the display area and live rock in the false wall area, also live sand, skimmer. Have nothing else in the tank either, but is ready to go and I don't think I am going to have any issues with the tank at all. Get rid of the bio-balls. They make good bird and kitty toys.