OT: What does your screen name mean & why did you pick it?


Well-Known Member
Re: What does your screen name mean & why did you pick it?

Mine is because I love salt water and I live on a farm.


Well-Known Member
Re: What does your screen name mean & why did you pick it?

I just used my last name... how original right?


Well-Known Member
Re: What does your screen name mean & why did you pick it?

I seem to remember a thread like this...If I find it, I will merge it together :D

btw... boozeman cause I sell booze (own a liquor store)


Well-Known Member
I chose goldenmean to remember not to take all the little/common things in life for granted. Here is what the golden mean is:

The Golden Mean, just like PI (3.14........) is another of those strange numbers that we seldom question and very often take for granted. This number is represented by the Greek letter PHI, but dissimilar to PI, the golden mean goes very much unnoticed in our everyday life in such things as buildings, plants and even in living creatures - yet we find these things strangely pleasing on the eye. This is the magical number 1.618.

So how is this number found? An ancient mathematician by the name of Fibonacci discovered that if you start with the numbers 0 and 1 then add them together you get a new number - in this case 1. Easy enough but what if you add the last number and the new number together? You get another new number, 2(See figure below). Keep doing this and you will end up with a very very long list of unique numbers.

This is known as the Fibonacci Series.

0,1 --> add them together gives new number 1
0,1,1 --> add the last two number together and new number is now 2
0,1,1,2 --> add last two numbers together and new number is now 3
0,1,1,2,3 --> add last two numbers together and new number is now 5

The series eventually grows like below into a series of unique numbers

0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144, 233,377 to infinity and beyond!

So what I hear you ask? Well, starting from zero and if you take any two SEQUENTIAL numbers and calculate the ratio between them then a very interesting pattern emerges below.

1,0 Ratio = 1 to 0 = 0
1,1 Ratio = 1 to 1 = 1
2,1 Ratio = 2 to 1 = 2
3,2 Ratio = 3 to 2 = 1.5
5,3 Ratio = 5 to 3 = 1.6666
8,5 Ratio = 8 to 5 = 1.6
13,8 Ratio = 13 to 8 = 1.625
21,13 Ratio = 21 to13 = 1.61538
34,21 Ratio = 34 to 21 = 1.61538
55,34 Ratio = 55 to 34 = 1.61764
89,55 Ratio = 89 to 55 = 1.6181
144,89 Ratio = 144 to 89 = 1.6179

If you keep going you will see that the decimal figure will revolve around the magic number 1.618. OK, I here you ask, but what is the point? Well lets look at the example of how the golden mean occurs in nature. Take a look at the diagram below. Notice that it is made up solely of squares, yet the overall image is a rectangle. This rectangle, if you measure it, has the magic ratio of 1.618. Also if you look at the curved lines within each of the squares you will notice that these are infact quarter circles, but, as a whole you would be forgiven for thinking that they look like the cross section of a sea shell.
And you'd be right, for this is the same as the growth rate of the beautiful Nautilus Sea Shell - i.e. 1.618.

At least since the Renaissance, many artists and architects have proportioned their works to approximate the golden ratio—especially in the form of the golden rectangle, in which the ratio of the longer side to the shorter is the golden ratio—believing this proportion to be aesthetically pleasing.

In philosophy, the golden mean is the desirable middle between two extremes, one of excess and the other of deficiency.


Active Member
P for my first name, Mac for part of my last name, 90 for the size of my tank. i know, i know... i'm brilliant.


Brunt of all Jokes~
This is awful, I have an unheated steel fabrication shop, so in the winter I wear like 3 t shirts 4 sweatshirts and a vest, this coupled with my rarely shaven face and uncut hair caused one of my suppliers to call me Sasquatch, I guess with the clothes I look to weigh about 300 lbs lol ( ive been known to frighten women and small children)


This is awful, I have an unheated steel fabrication shop, so in the winter I wear like 3 t shirts 4 sweatshirts and a vest, this coupled with my rarely shaven face and uncut hair caused one of my suppliers to call me Sasquatch, I guess with the clothes I look to weigh about 300 lbs lol ( ive been known to frighten women and small children)

LOL at sasquatch, I too often scare small children with my unkempt appearance.

zim= I was born and raised in Zimbabwe
boy= I shouldn't have to explain this one


Well-Known Member
I chose goldenmean to remember not to take all the little/common things in life for granted. Here is what the golden mean is:

The Golden Mean, just like PI (3.14........) is another of those strange numbers that we seldom question and very often take for granted. This number is represented by the Greek letter PHI, but dissimilar to PI, the golden mean goes very much unnoticed in our everyday life in such things as buildings, plants and even in living creatures - yet we find these things strangely pleasing on the eye. This is the magical number 1.618.

So how is this number found? An ancient mathematician by the name of Fibonacci discovered that if you start with the numbers 0 and 1 then add them together you get a new number - in this case 1. Easy enough but what if you add the last number and the new number together? You get another new number, 2(See figure below). Keep doing this and you will end up with a very very long list of unique numbers.

This is known as the Fibonacci Series.

0,1 --> add them together gives new number 1
0,1,1 --> add the last two number together and new number is now 2
0,1,1,2 --> add last two numbers together and new number is now 3
0,1,1,2,3 --> add last two numbers together and new number is now 5

The series eventually grows like below into a series of unique numbers

0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144, 233,377 to infinity and beyond!

So what I hear you ask? Well, starting from zero and if you take any two SEQUENTIAL numbers and calculate the ratio between them then a very interesting pattern emerges below.

1,0 Ratio = 1 to 0 = 0
1,1 Ratio = 1 to 1 = 1
2,1 Ratio = 2 to 1 = 2
3,2 Ratio = 3 to 2 = 1.5
5,3 Ratio = 5 to 3 = 1.6666
8,5 Ratio = 8 to 5 = 1.6
13,8 Ratio = 13 to 8 = 1.625
21,13 Ratio = 21 to13 = 1.61538
34,21 Ratio = 34 to 21 = 1.61538
55,34 Ratio = 55 to 34 = 1.61764
89,55 Ratio = 89 to 55 = 1.6181
144,89 Ratio = 144 to 89 = 1.6179

If you keep going you will see that the decimal figure will revolve around the magic number 1.618. OK, I here you ask, but what is the point? Well lets look at the example of how the golden mean occurs in nature. Take a look at the diagram below. Notice that it is made up solely of squares, yet the overall image is a rectangle. This rectangle, if you measure it, has the magic ratio of 1.618. Also if you look at the curved lines within each of the squares you will notice that these are infact quarter circles, but, as a whole you would be forgiven for thinking that they look like the cross section of a sea shell.
And you'd be right, for this is the same as the growth rate of the beautiful Nautilus Sea Shell - i.e. 1.618.

At least since the Renaissance, many artists and architects have proportioned their works to approximate the golden ratio—especially in the form of the golden rectangle, in which the ratio of the longer side to the shorter is the golden ratio—believing this proportion to be aesthetically pleasing.

In philosophy, the golden mean is the desirable middle between two extremes, one of excess and the other of deficiency.

Things that make ya say hmmmm :)


Well-Known Member
This is awful, I have an unheated steel fabrication shop, so in the winter I wear like 3 t shirts 4 sweatshirts and a vest, this coupled with my rarely shaven face and uncut hair caused one of my suppliers to call me Sasquatch, I guess with the clothes I look to weigh about 300 lbs lol ( ive been known to frighten women and small children)

funny,,,i can grow a full beard in a week, and people ask...werent you clean shaved last week?,,,,i reply,,,somewhere in by family tree a relative F***ed a sasquatch,,,,are you sure we arent related,,,,i have family in seattle~


Ichthy Inquisitor
funny,,,i can grow a full beard in a week, and people ask...werent you clean shaved last week?,,,,i reply,,,somewhere in by family tree a relative F***ed a sasquatch,,,,are you sure we arent related,,,,i have family in seattle~


Let me pick myself off the floor...Now what was I suppose to do in this thread...:rolleyes: