"OT" I want this!


I have several riders I've been working with in the past few months that are coming back to horses after a long hiatus! I teach saddle seat lessons and love every minute of it. From your last post I think you're on the right track, Before you jump in and start riding again, I'd make some relationships in the area with trainers and instructors and take a few lessons. Get your muscles back in shape and your mind fine tuned. Sometimes the mind body connection isn't so hot after you've been out of the saddle for more than a year. Believe me I've went through that. Right now I have a show horse(saddlebred) that is my pleasure/trail horse during the winter. We go to high level shows then take the winter off for fun for both of us! He does both saddle seat and western and I just love him to death.
So I guess my recommendation is if you buy her send her to a reputable trainer and take some lessons while she's learning her big girl ways! The more recent saddle time you have the better off both of you will be. Oh and read up on ground work, it is immensely effective and will give you a way to connect with her and get your point across without balance being in the equation. That's my two cents.

Thank you for sharing!
I'll deffinatly look into the ground work! A few lessons probably wound't hurt either! I already know my leg muscles are going to hurt when I get back into it and I wouldn't be surprised if I didn't end up with the ole saddle-sores! LOL

Thanks again!
LOL .. just search out topic "Build Big Enough For A Horse" ... spanglish might be able to help you out with that one!
No problem about my post I didn't want to come across too riding instructor-ish but I'm afraid I did!


Well everyone, meet the newest member of our family!
Yes, we drove down Sunday to look at her and she is ours!
We'll be picking her up in a couple of weeks. That gives us time to make sure everything is ready for her and get all the food we need. We have a co-op in town that carries the food we need and the farmer next door is going to supply us with all the hay we need. Not a bad deal.
She will be 2 in may but, for a horse that hasn't been around alot of strangers it didn't take her long at all probably a minute before she came up to us and made friends. There is a girl that bought her pasture mate and lives about 45 minutes from here who I'm going to get in touch with to see if she could train her and if she can't there is a place in Indianapolis that trains horses and you to train also. She has already had her feet trimmed and the breeder said she stood for him and didn't beautifully!
I can't wait to bring her home.

The pics aren't the best, we didn't have the flash on. She desperately tried to eat the fur on Mark's artic coat that I was wearing as you can see in the picture. LOL


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Well-Known Member
Long ago and far away I was involved with Quarter horses and cutting horses... both showing and training.

I had a QH filly that was about the age yours is when I brought her home. Mine had been pasture raised and was a wild thing. I spent about nine months just getting to know her, and her getting to know me. When it came time for actual training it was a piece of cake. I had treated her with mostly kindness, and increased firmness as I went. By the time I was ready to step up it was as though she expected it and it continued from there. She was a great horse all the way around, and started out as the wildest thing that had to be herded into the barn.

I think the preparation to the training will dictate how the training will go. Your new horse is beautiful and have fun brushing out that coat!


Well-Known Member
That's awesome. I know zero about horses, but I love the colors. I'm sure you will be so happy with her!


Did anyone see the prerequisite barn cat in the background? :D

LOL! She told me she'd throw the cats in too but I told her I already had 4 and didn't need anymore.

I think she is just beautiful and have no problem looking past the winter coat and all the dried mud! She is a TWH and is double registerd. If she turns out to be what the breeder feels she is, I may decide to show her. I don't know yet, still thinking about that.


Won't be long now. There is a possibility that she could be here as soon as tomorrow and if not because we can't get her through the week, next saturday for sure. Heard the vet came out yesterday to give vaccines and take blood for coggins and she didn't even flinch. She gets loading lessons today.
I'm so excited, I can't wait for her to come home!