October '09 POTM Contest!


Well-Known Member
Doni, Very generous of you! If you need a sponsor any time please let me know.
Awesome pictures so far everyone! Please do not forget:
Photos MUST be uploaded to the October '09 POTM gallery by midnight (EST) September 30th.



The Wand Geek was here. ;)
Thanks for the reminder Frankie!
This is going to be another veryy tough contest!!


Wow never thought purple was a rare color, I got it from a local reefer/vendor I can pretty much get anything from him at very low price :)


Well-Known Member
I think I'll give this month a try.

Here's one of my happy little RBTAs, in a real closeup.

MAN O MAN ya`ll got some awesome things growing in your tanks, when I look at those pictures I wanna go and get a huge tank and related equipment and get started on a reef tank, but for now I`ll just sit here and drool over ya`lls tanks and learn alot more about reef systems,and for now be happy just establishing my FOWLR tank
is there a vote for "all of the above?" lol


hay man a clean and properly set up fowlr is a great start for a reef tank. Keep it a fowlr for now, when buying equipment keep i mind the future reef. Then after you have all the proper equipment make the switch.

this is a list of what i think are necessities for a reef tank...

standard tank with built in overflow(s) 24-36-48 inches (easier to buy lights,hoods and stands for these tanks)
Sump W/ return pump (any small plain tank will work)
pc lighting or better(I bought 3 hagen t5ho fixtures for my tank one at a time. Witch makes it easier on the wallet)
salt, hydrometer, thermometer
protein skimmer
chiller (not truly a Necessity but the stability it gives works wonders for the tank.