No results on my water testing.


Ok, my RSM 250 has been up and running for 17 days. I have 3 green Chromis and 8 Snails. I have green algae and I am getting some purplish spots on my live rock. My salinity is 1.025 and everything seems to be looking good. The problem I'm having if any is the store where I bought my RSM 250 did not have any Water Test Kits and I didn't get one with my aquarium. I went to another store and they sold me two test kits; 1 Salifert NH4 Profi Test Ammonia and 1 Salifert NH3 Profi Test Nitrate. I have tested 3 times at 3 days apart and I am not getting ANY reading! Is this normal? Has my tank cycled? Not sure if I need any other test kits or if the ones I have are of good quality. Anyone have any input? I don't have a clue...


NaClH2O Addicted
If your rock was fully cured (fully cycled) live rock, it's possible that it has enough of the right bacteria to handle the nitrogen cycle and the final conversion of nitrates to harmless nitrogen gas. I would think that the chromis and any decomposing fish food would otherwise be generating some measurable ammonia, nitrites & nitrates. That's the only explanation that I can think of. Salifert kits are well respected tests.


Thanks for the input and for the links to the test kit and forums. As usual very helpful. I'll keep going slow topping off the water every other day with RO and water changes of 2.5% every 7 days for a 10% a Month total water change with Natural Seawater.


As a point - you are starting to feed the livestock only now, so you will only be seeing the full nitrogen cycle over the next few weeks. Keep a good eye on it, if your nitrates start to rise (I would bet they will) increase your water change, iwoukd do slightly more water change than increasing frequency, but that's just me as I find a water change quite a pain (though i do 20% a week soi am on the high side). If you have cured live rock, I would be less sensitive to nitrites, testing once a week, but nitrates maybe 2x a week for the next month or so....