Nigma's 250!!


New Member
Love the different colored base rocks. In my opinion, a unique and more interesting look than just 80 lbs of the same colored gray live rock.

Also, to quiet those fans, you're going to have to replace them someday with silenx fans. I had some loud jet engine cooling fans before and those silenx fans are absolutely silent. Best upgrade you'll ever do.


Active Member
Hey torero500,
The SilenX fans you mentioned - are you talking about for the light hood? Or the water cooling fans in the back? Or both? Did you make that upgrade? If so, can you point us to where you got the fans you used? I would definitely love to get quieter replacement fans. I build PCs and finding quiet, but efficient, fans for the computers makes a big difference. If I can do the same thing for the aquarium (RSM250 here), that would be great!

I found info on their fans here, now time to see what size mine are and where to buy... I wish Red Sea had used *larger* fans - which do a better job of cooling at lower rpms and can be quieter as well. Thanks,


wow great info on the fans guys!!! what size do u get for the side hood fans?
i am so buying some!!!!!!!!

here is a vid of my tank so far


thanks guys, i honestly didn't think the brown algae would go away... i as so mad... but most of it is gone now.. there is some left, at the back wall... but my snails are taking care of that YEY GO SNAILS!

oh also, if any of u guys live in south cal. frys have some of those fans too, i guess i can just unplug the ones from the hood and go down there and c what size i need

next fish might be a tang, or midas blenny


Well-Known Member
Nice vid - very pretty tank - Love the clownfish !!!


thanks guys, yeah the clownfish are super fun to watch... they a lil on the agro side though... there is no real fighting yet.. but the female clown would hover over the jaw fish holes and the poor blue guy would try and nudge her away.... but she is so fat!!!!!

my ammonia levels are up for the 1st time... its up to .25
i thought i was ready for more fish since its been over a month since i added the blue fish.. gonna wait a LONG time before adding any more after the 2 clowns


Active Member
Hey Nigma, I was looking back through your thread and I think we both started around the same time (and have similar fish too!) - but it sounds like you have a lot more base rock than live rock (oh - just saw the rock is in your sig). From what I understand it can take a long time for that base rock to become very live. Was your sand live? Anyway, I think you may need to take it slower because of that? And/or add more live rock? If you're like me, you might want to get the rock up a bit higher in the tank too (check out Tom's - he's got a *lot* of LR stacked up really high).

I think you have the right idea in waiting a long time for your next fish. Good luck bringing the ammonia down. Maybe cut back on feedings for awhile? Take care,


shokrun aminyassien! :)

so, good news, ammonia is down... but i am getting another brown algae out break.....:willis: just part of the cycle i guess, gonna try and reduce lighting and feeding so my tank wouldn't explode again.


damn those clowns... there been fighting between the female clown and my BSJF.... there is a couple scars on my jawfish atm... those clowns r really pissing me off now... do u guys know anyway to calm those guys down? should i take them out? or give it some time? my jawfish still eats and active.. he is not scared of them yet... i just don't want any more fighting....


Active Member
Are they ocellaris clowns? I've heard the other species can be quite aggressive... I'm not sure what to suggest. Mine left my BSJF alone. But maybe they'll learn to get a long. Take care,


yeah, they are black and white ocellaris clowns, but i thought since they are semi-agro.. and the jaw fish is also semi agro, they would kinda get along with their "same" agro level... i might have to return them the LFS.... if they keep hurting my jaw fish.... or at least give away the fat female.. she does most of the fighting.....

atm my jaw fish is holding his ground though, i am seeing less scars, and the old ones are healing up/disappearing....

would the introduction of a newer fish would lessen fighting?? something to distract the clowns from always picking on the jaw fish? or would that be a bad idea?


NaClH2O Addicted
Sometimes adding new fish could spread the aggression around, but as with everything else there are no guarantees.


yup that is it, the clowns are out of my display tank and back in to the quarantine tank, the LFS is gonna take them back on friday since he closed on thrusday...

the last straw was me coming home with 2/3rds of my jawfish tail fin basicly bitten off. after i took them away the lil BSJF guy ate a lot and is a lot more active in the tank, i am sure his fin will heal up in time, but just wondering do u guys recommend any additives i can add to his food for him to heal faster?

so yeah no more clowns for me, i don't ever trust those damsels in clown clothing....


Active Member
Hey Nigma, very sorry the clowns didn't work out for you :( Hope the BSJF heals up quickly. Did you see the fish actually bite the Bsjf? Could it have been a crab or something? Re: the healing, you might want to ask Lee in the fish disease forum. He had recommended ProCoat or StressGuard (IIRC on the names) for my BSJF although that was more for replacing the fish's coating. BTW, I bet if you add clowns again as some of your last fish you may be okay. What happened w/ the flame hawk? Take care,