New to...well everything!


Fresh Water top off should be done daily to an established tank.

Honestly there's not a LOT of difference between having Bio-Balls and having Live Rock Rubble in there. There is a small difference but not a lot because you'll still be creating lots of nooks & crannies for food and detritus to get stuck and breakdown there by creating the potential Nitrate Factory. Trust me on this one... I cleaned out my 12g Nano cube back chamber after 4 months (replaced Bioballs with LR Rubble) and you would not believe the gunk and goop in there. It stunk up my whole office. I don't know HOW I didn't have a water quality issue. Anytime you create nooks & crannies with slow flow the "stuff" will settle out and down into the crevices and make for nasty!!


Hang in there buddy! Take these things nice and slow. The only thing that will happen while rushing your tank is pain & heartache. We're here to help :)


ok...=( lol

the guy told me i could have these algea eating slugs for free...he felt bad for me.. he said they would clean up the tank nicely...

so far i removed the bioballs, added this fision skimmer, added some fresh water, and added those algea slugs...

i have to change the lights..

what else should i do??


when i get home today...i'ma buy some LR rubble and put it in the back, and move the skinner into the tank...might look a lil ugly but i can watch it better


Well-Known Member
Slow down.
You are trying to get everything done at once which does not work in a reef tank. Things need time to settle and adjust. Just because your paramaters are good now that doesn't mean they will stay that way. If one of the "slugs" dies you are going to have a spike. In a new tank particularly a small one things can get very bad very quickly.
Take your time and do it right and you will be rewarded.
BTW what kind of sea slugs did he give you. The only ones I can think of that are beneficial are sea hares and they need a lot of algae to survive. I wouldn't want more than one in your tank and I'm not sure I would even have one unless I was having a really bad issue.


i wanna hear from you guys what i should do...i'm basicly lost...ill even start again from square one if needed...

Thanks guys!


Well-Known Member
You do not need to star over. I would take ou the bio-balls, and sponge filters. This will help to remove the detrius traps in your tank. Get the skimmer dialed in. This may take a few days up to a few weeks.
How much LR do you have in the tank? How much sand? What livestock? You can tak eall of you livestock back for a credit.


Well-Known Member
Make sure to let the tank become stable before adding ANY livestock. Then be sure to go very slowly. Also I would only put one small fish or two tiny fish in a tank that small.


i have a like 10 pounds of rock....a bag of sand

i have a clown, an emerald, a starfish, and three other small fish that cant remember the name


Well-Known Member
Yepp!! at least you know that you are overloaded. I would take all of your livestock back to the LFS. Get a few more pounds of LR if you want it, and let the tank become more stable. THen start back very slowly.


Honestly you need to take all of the fish and starfish back while they are still alive and healthy. Then start slowly and let it mature.



Well-Known Member
Can you "give" then to the store. You will be out a few dollard but atleast you will have a fish free tank, while it cures/stabalizes


they said they cant take my fish beuase they dont know if theres something wrong with them and it may spread...

plus giving away my fish kinda sucks...