Mitchell's Mantis Tank


Monte is in Tony's Mantis tank for now. Separated from Marty the Second of course.

Poor little fellow is busy building a home....only to be taken from it and moved to his new home here an a week or so.

Here is the industrious little guy



Active Member
Is that the theme song from Benny Hill? If so, I havent seen that show in ages! Loved it though.


Ha! Awesome Vid!

Nice mantis bro. He's busy! What's the plan for the new tank?


Well I cant go too much bigger. The current tank is 20" side to side by 16" back to front and 16" high

I'm going to max out the surface area on the stand and the new tank will be 23.5" side to side by 19" back to front by 18" high

We are also going to incorporate a built on refugium on the right hand side, glued on outside the tank, a little higher so it naturally flows back into the tank. To be honest I haven't really wrapped my head around that one yet but Tony knows what he's doing and he can envision it so I'm going to let him run with it...

I'm still going through a cycle in the small tank. That's why Monte is up at Tony's. I'll move him in when the cycle completes then we will transfer everything over to the new tank once its done.


Has been struck by the ban stick
Super cool tank man I read your thread yesterday.. monti is awesome too..

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Well by the sounds of it my new and improved mantis tank is going to be built tomorrow night at our reef club meeting!! I will be posting some pictures soon.

3/8 acrylic and because I am going skimmerless there will be a custom refugium built onto the side to help keep the nasty's down. This should be good.


Active Member
just curious, but why skimmerless?

It boggles my mind how much my skimmer can pull out of the water even with 40ish lbs of LR and 20lbs of sand in my 34g tank.

Especially since dont mantis like to kill stuff drag it in to the home and then proceed to let it rot? maybe I might be wrong on that, but I thought thats what I read.


See now you've got me worried.....maybe I should try and incorporate a hang on skimmer? There is no sump. And there is really no room for a skimmer but I could make one fit if I desperately needed.