Major Panic....


Came in from work tonight to find my boxer shrimp in pieces all over the bottom of the tank, antennae, head , claws..the lot.... I nearly cried as I've trained him to come out and take shrimp sticks from my grabber.
I fed the fish as normal and guess who came out from behind the rocks waiting for his sticks? Yes! Tyson now is really brightly colored and has bigger pincers and looks happy and proud as hell....

Thank God for Moulting.....


Outstanding :thumber:

I think many of US have through we lost a wet friend only to find later (sometimes a week or more) that it was only a MOLT! Keep in mind they can go into hiding for several days until the new shell is hard enough to protect them. The whole process is hard on them and then they are soft and slow afterward for a while.


Ha, the first time this happened with my Fire shrimp(my first shrimp ever) was just a couple days after I brought him home. I was already thinking of ways to break it to my wife that we spent $30 on a dead shrimp when he peeked around a corner. Still gets me every time...


Active Member
That happened to us also. I have a big coral banded shrimp, named Snip, who never bothers anyone. We get a small cleaner shrimp and two days later I see all of her pieces all over the place and no Lucy. I thought for sure Snip had a snack, then I saw little antenna peaking out from behind the rocks. I think it gets evryone at some point!


i get calls when im at work.. "your crab/shrimp died". Now that all i can think about is the tank and other things getting sick.. i come home to find its nothing but molt. :p