LPS Corals & PC Lights


I have the following on a 55-Gall. DT: 48 inch 4x65 Watt Current USA PowerCompact Dual Satellite Fixture; so if my math is correct I am around 4.73 watts per gallon. I have added several soft corals over the last couple of months that are doing well, but I would like to add some LPS corals. Specifically I am interested in some Brain, Torch, Bubbles and maybe Frogspawn. Will these corals be able to thrive under my current lighting?? Any suggestions for others I could look at outside of the soft corals?? Thanks for any help.


Well-Known Member
some with low light requirements should be okay,

but i dont think "Thriving" is possible under PC's.

i am actually upgrading from PC to MH because i want to start collecting the uber fancy/expensive LPS variants.


...so if my math is correct I am around 4.73 watts per gallon.

Your math is correct. But.... there's always a "but" anymore isn't ther?

That "rule of thumb" for watts per gallon is out the window once you get passed the easiest of corals to keep. What I mean is you could potentially really go WILD with PC bulbs and push that up to something like 10 wpg and still have "just" PC lights... many corals will "survive" under PC lights and some will indeed thrive but some of your more difficult corals will merely survive and even eventually perish over time. PC lights are good for low-medium light demanding corals but I wouldn't push it much higher. Frog-Spawn, Brain and Torch should do well. Bubble is a maybe but that's about as high as I'd push it.

I hope this doesn't cause more confusion than it does good.

You'll do well as long as you're selective about what corals you keep. Many of the LPS will do well under your lights just stay away from SPS and Anemone in general. Research like this will do you well :) Kudos to you for asking ahead of time. :)


Thanks Al, that helps a lot and is not in any way more confusing. That was pretty much the conclusion I had reached from my research, just looking for reassurance. I appreciate the feedback from both of you guys.


Active Member
I have a 55 gal with 260 watts of pc lighting. I have a green octo bubble coral that is growing, although slowly, it's grown about 1/8" in about 8 months. I have a torch that has formed two new heads and is doing great over the same time frame. An orange and green Lobophylia that has grown quite a bit, and split itself. I just got some duncans two months ago, and they are growing like weeds, 4 new heads already. So I would say any of these should be fine. My bubble is up close to the lights, all others are near the bottom. The biggest problem I have is finding areas with a gentle enough flow for my lps. Also, I have a lot of tubastrea that are fed mysis every other day, so I'm sure my other lps are getting supplemental food and is probably a huge factor in my success with inadequate lighting.


I agree. I run pcs(current sunpaqs) and most of my coral are soft, but I have a frogspawn that has split already, and a pink S/t plate that has better coloration now, than when I bought from the lfs. You just need to be careful when you select lps. I also give supplemental feedings.


I run 7.8wpg on my frag tank. The tank is 12" deep, but there's only about 10" of water in the tank PC lighting.
10k x 1
14k x 2
420nm actinic x 1
460nm actinic x 2


What do you guys think would be a minimum MH wattage for a 22" deep corner tank? I also have 127w PCs that I would use for actinics or 50/50. They're already retrofitted into my canopy, and I'd like to keep the canopy. Looking for the smallest MH to fit in the center. I just want to keep LPS and Zoas, but I want to be able to keep ANY LPS.


Amanda you don't really NEED MH's for LPS corals. With that said... IF you're wanting MH you'll want to go with 250's and remember for coverage it's suggested one bulb per 2' of tank width. I have 150w MH's on my tank and it's only 18" and it could stand more. I'm going to either go ALL T5's or LED's if I have to replace the current fixture.

Good luck :)


Would the 127w PCs support most LPS? It's split between 3 retrofits, 2 x 36w and 1 x 55w, in a triangle shape in my canopy (corner tank).


Well-Known Member
You can grow any coral or clam or anemone under PC's if you can get the light close enough to the animal. Corner tanks are a a pain to light with PC's, but the set up you mention will work for most LPS. Some LPS such as Favids tend to grow better and show better colors under lower light levels. My War Coral Favites has quadrupled the number of polyps since July when I got it, and it didn't do anything for a month after I put it in. It's under very low light levels, over 2' away from a 175 W 20000K MH on a very oblique angle since I only run a single bulb centered over a 46 BF and the frag is way off to the side. Some of my other Favids are basically in the shade and growing well.



Sounds good. Here's a pic, just for fun. :) AH Supply retrofits.



Well-Known Member
You can grow any coral or clam or anemone under PC's if you can get the light close enough to the animal. Corner tanks are a a pain to light with PC's, but the set up you mention will work for most LPS. Some LPS such as Favids tend to grow better and show better colors under lower light levels. My War Coral Favites has quadrupled the number of polyps since July when I got it, and it didn't do anything for a month after I put it in. It's under very low light levels, over 2' away from a 175 W 20000K MH on a very oblique angle since I only run a single bulb centered over a 46 BF and the frag is way off to the side. Some of my other Favids are basically in the shade and growing well.


dont know why you'd do such a thing.

say you needed 150 MH for your tank, for a nem or clam to receive the same PAR from PC's youd need ike 600 watts.


you'd be much better off being patient, doing proper research, and buying the right thing you need.

instead of trying your best to find some half assed cheapo route.

IF you would do a lil research comparing and contrasting PC, T-5's, and MH's, there would be no reason to even debate this topic.

PC's suck. and your better off spending money in the right places


Well-Known Member
Looks like a MH would fit nicely in the center there. The only thing I would worry about is the heat.
IMO that would give you some nice coverage and options to place corals in low or high light.


Well-Known Member
Ok those Maxima Clams I used to grow out from under 1" to 2" in two months for resale in a 10 gal tank, packed completely with rock from side to side and to within 2" of the topped with 54W of PC's never happened! Thanks for enlightening me Bob. Once again your wisdom and towering command of the language have shone through!



Well-Known Member
By the way Bob if you carefully read the OP you'll see he already has the lights. Do you own stock in T-5's or something?



Well-Known Member
That is nothing even remotely resembling the situation being discussed here.
Even if it were we all have a right to our own opinion.
There is very little in this hobby that is absolute. There are just too many variables in each situation.


Well-Known Member
Pardon my ignorance Lynn, but if someone makes a post stating you can't grow something under PC's and I have proof to the contrary I see some relevance. And while we indeed all have a right to our opinions I would certainly hope that you would see the difference in value between an opinion and a fact.
