Interesting Find


Well-Known Member
Tile fish are not an easy fish to keep. They require a very peaceful tank, and many do better under low light conditions.


Well-Known Member
My dad was lucky with his. He got a pale tilefish, H. cuniculus, without knowing much about them. It hid for the first 3 days, then took about a week to start eating frozen food, and 2 weeks to start eating flake food. It still will spit out flake food if there is frozen food in the water at the same time. It hid a lot at first under the rocks, but now it's really friendly. And it can hold it's own against the other fish! It makes sure it's the first to eat!


Well-Known Member
They are very interesting fish. And once acclimated to captivity can do very well. But as with many species it can be difficult for them to adapt to captivity.


Well-Known Member
Agreed. Too bad they are one of the harder ones to acclimate to captivity. They are really cool fish. But I'd rather leave a fish in the ocean, than watch it waste away in captivity!


NaClH2O Addicted
Check out this video of a flashing tilefish that one of the RSM owners got a while back. Amazingly fast color changes.

YouTube - My Flashing Tilefish

Haven't heard from him in quite a while so I have no idea of the fate of this amazing fish. Hopefully it's doing well.


The main issue with Tiles is that they are extremely poor shippers. Once established and kept under proper conditions they can thrive. T