Identify this anemone

I bought two of these nems off my friend and was wondering if anyone could help me identify thanks in advance

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Active Member
On the first pic, down and to the right of the Nem, it looks like there is another baby Mojano Nem there as well.


Well-Known Member
I checked that site out, but I still think it's something other than a majano. Just the sheer size of the foot makes me think otherwise.


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately Pseudocorynactis isn't a reef safe variety either so even if that's a positive ID I still wouldn't want it in my tank.

I've had Psuedocorynactis in my tanks for about 6 years now, no issues. Not sure why you would think they are not reef safe. They stay on the rocks in the back and under crevices, so they don't interfere with the corals and haven't harmed my fish. Their tentacles do have stinging cells (nematocyst) like most anemones, so there is potential for stings, but haven't had any problems.


Well-Known Member
It's not a majano.
It is impossible to identify from those pictures.
Majano reproduce fast and take over. That is why they are considered non reef safe.
Reef safe is a relative term pertaining to the aquarium hobby. The conditions we create are not truly reefs, but selected for specific organisms that come from a reef.
There are many creatures that live in the reefs we cannot keep because of there ability to over run and dominate our systems.
How about fish, personally I believe none are really reef "aquarium" safe. Most have a negative impact on our microcosms.


Active Member
The first pic appears to be a small Rose Bubbletip. The bottom pic could be a majano: Though I'm not entirely convinced.


Well-Known Member
I was waiting for a second pic before I said anything but I thought from the first pic BTA and now from the second pic Yes BTA. Does look like a rose but hard to say. Have you seen the other ones in your friends tank? If so what color are they? Used to be just 2 colors in the hobby rose or red and green. Now we have many different colors which makes it very hard to tell.
Good point on whats reef safe! Is there any reef safe fish? Since every fish is a little different. What would make a reef safe fish? One that does not eat corals? What about the ones that knock everything around. I have an 8' blue hippo tang and most everyone would say reef safe. But he is a pig and makes a mess and the guy I got him from said he eat all his zoas in 2 days. I have had him 6 months in a tank full of zoas and he is yet to touch any but when he gets excited to eat he knocks corals off the rocks stirs up sand and is generally destrucive to his environment so in truth he would not be a reef safe fish but they are listed as reef safe. Sorry for stealing your thread on my little tangent.
The biggest is 2 inches but has firm foot and the baby baby is like a half a inch my fish consist of a..
Blue hippo tang
Black ocellaris
Reg ocellaris
Royal gramma

Brain coral
Frog spawn
Button polyp

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