Hi new to Reefing need advice


New Member
Hi everyone, I live in Manhattan and I would like to add a saltwater aquarium to my home. I figure this will be a fun I am seriously considering purchasing a silver or white Red Sea Max 250 with a Chiller. Been reading a lot about this online. I like the size of this unit vs. the 130D. The other option is to by it a la cart. Creating my own tank and filtering system and heater which will give me more flexibility. I plan to buy one soon but i just started to do my research. This is an expensive venture but I can handle it and I feel the rewards outweighs the cost. I figure my niece and nephew will love it too when they visit. My first question is do I buy a kit or really learn this by buying everything separate? the second more simple question is where do I get the water? from a fish store or my tap water and just add chemicals to it. I do understand that this is a long process and you need to have patience for this type of hobby.


Active Member
Welcome to RS!

I've only had one tank so far (130D). The plug and plays are nice, but there a lot of users of the 250 that change equipment, so I'd have a look at some of their posts and suggestions.

For water, tap is definitely something to stay away from if you can - water from the LFS or installing an RO system would be better.

The biggest piece of advice I got when I started was go slow and read as much as you possibly can!


Well-Known Member

to ReefSanctuary, a real Sanctuary of reef forums, with lots of very nice members

Love mt RSM 250 - run it stock