Help!!!stung by blue hippo while cleaning tank-unbearable pain in my arm


New Member
Please give some advice-was stung by blue hippo about 3 hours ago and the pain is unbearable!!! What can i do- the pain is shooting up my arm and finger is swollen- any one know what to do?? Cant afford an emergency room visit. Please help!


Active Member
I didn't think they were dangerous. Just have some sharp spines that could cut or poke you and cause a nasty wound. Reason they are in the Surgeonfish category, very sharp fins that can cut you like a surgeon.


i took three stings to the hand by a lionfish after my sisters daughter spilled his acclimation bucket. it sucks yea, but itll pass. wait for it to pass and dont do it again.


Well-Known Member
I disagree with some of the others. While the sting from a tang isn't lethal, you many be more sensitive than most. Also. it's running down your arm. There is also the danger of infection. While that visit may seem expensive, it's lots less expensive than a serious medical problem resulting from not doing anything. If nothing else call your doctor first thing tomorrow and see him asap.


New Member
I agree with DaveK,
While seldom lethal, every person is different. I have been a medic for 25+ years most of it along the Gulf of Mexico and Hawaii. I have had patients go onto anaphylaxis because of the darnest things. Let us know what you did and how you are!


Generally speaking a Bee sting is non lethal as well, but I'm allergic to them and I have a much more serious reaction than most and it can be life threatening. Anaphylaxis is not something to be taken lightly. A severe allergic reaction to almost any toxin can result in a life threatening situation. If there is severe swelling, shortness of breath of facial swelling go immediately to the emergency room and forget about what it may cost you.


New Member
thanks so much for everyones help! I did go to the ER and they did not know what to do?!!? they gave me an antibiotic shot and my fiance gave me some tylenol and benadryl-pain is STILL there!! my fiance is having me soak finger in hot water too but that isnt helping. I guess i will see if it goes away on its own unless you have anymore advice! maybe if it still hurts tomorrow i will have to go back to ER. thanks again!


one of my fingers my lionfish got real good and it swelled like crazy and hurt like crazy for a few hours. directly where i got stung was sensitive for a few days. i guess an allergic reaction is always possible but im speaking from experience, it is extremely unpleasant. if you were having an allergic reaction i think the doctors would have been able to tell. hopefully by morning you notice signs of improvement as i imagine you will. you dont need a doctor to prevent infection, basic cleanliness will do that, but if one does set in obviously get it checked.


Well-Known Member
Here hoping it gets better & all will be okay - glad to hear a doctor looked at it


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