HELP!!!! sick fish, please fast


Well-Known Member
ok, sorry guys,. actually had to go out of town on business sorry for the lack of updates.
I talked to my girlefriend last night so she kept an eye on "tater" and the news was stil lpositive, she could see the fins moving./
Well, i just got back into town and ran over the the hospital tank, and she is not on the floor anymore.
She is by no means swimming around, but she is floating and keeping herself in place with the flow, i dropped in 3 or 4 small pellets and she looked at them but didnt eat. I am gonna go get some water do to a wc for her. I am so happy she's still plugging along :)

thanks again everyone!!!


Well-Known Member
does anyone know if i can add any formalin to my reef tank without side effects, i cant keep her in this hospital tank forever and i cant take all my fish out of the reef... any ideas???


Well-Known Member
does anyone know if i can add any formalin to my reef tank without side effects, i cant keep her in this hospital tank forever, granted she will still be in there for some time but i cant take all my fish out of the reef to rid it of the disease... any ideas???


Well-Known Member
ok, how come?

i just dont know what to do , i feel like i'll heal the clown and then add her and she'll get sick again


The Wand Geek was here. ;)
Do not add formalin to your reef. I would keep her separate at least until she is better and eating well.... 4-6 weeks if possible. Keep an eye on your other fishes in the reef to make sure they are okay (remove them if necessary).
Are you testing the hospital/QT for ammonia & nitrites? Keep doing that daily so you remain aware any possible cycle.


Well-Known Member
Snelly, I'm glad to hear she is hanging in there! Tough call on the reef tank man! I was in the exact same situation. I'd ask yourself this question:

What would you do if they all got sick? What if they started dying on you?

Think about it...and plan for it now! The price to set up a QT is less than the price of one new fish!

At least get yourself a sponge or some other media going in the display so if you do decide to remove the fish you will stand a chance. I had to react quickly when a few more of my fish came down with ich and fish were dying right and left. I found a 30 gallon breeder tank that worked great as a QT brand new for $60 (didn't have time to shop for a used one). It is 4 feet long so it has lots of space! (Ok, I had an overstocked 125 gallon tank and I also got a 50 gallon tank - same price.) I eventually took all my fish out, but lost them anyway to a cycling tank! Once they are all sick it will be too late to react.

Now that you have thought it through, I would also sit back and ask yourself if it could have been something besides ich that is easier to treat. Personally, I would get a QT and be prepared (for this or something else). I'd probably finish the treatment on your clown and put her back in the tank about 4 weeks after she is all better. Once reintroduced, I would watch for any illness after that (her or someone else). If the display is infected, she will most likely get reinfected because she will be under stress.

Wishin' you the best whatever you decide!


Well-Known Member
i have her in a gallon jug at the moment and i am watching the water like a hawk. did a water change today on it , and added some live rock from my tank as well as bio-spira (sp) to add denitrifying bacteria!!!
i know this is small, but she still is not moving that much. But she does seem a lot more alert.


Well-Known Member
Do you have an airstone in there? If not I would add one. From what I have read increasing the oxygen helps them breathe better.


Well-Known Member
sorry, its a 7 gallon jug, that last post made it look like a 1 ghallon jug.,
I do not have an airstone, but i have a maxijet 600 with venturi hooked up and a lot of water aggitation as well.
She is swimming freely now part of the time when i looked at her this morning. She sees me now and swims towards me, good sign :)


Well-Known Member
Ok water aggitation will help as well.
Glad she is up and swimming. That is a great sign.
Be careful with that small amount of water. You will likely need to do lots of water changes.


Well-Known Member
i did a small wc yesterday and i added a pouch of bio-spira to help with the ammonia.
water aggitaion with the venturi going produces as much air bubbles as an air stone, if not more