Gav' RSM 250


Well-Known Member
I love your new aquascaping nice job!

I to wish that our LFS would get some more exotic corals in. It's hard finding very colourful ones like you have in your tank.



Hi been a couple of months since my last update. Ive been fairly slack with the mantainence latley so the tanks a bit dirty but I have a better camera now so the pictures should get better as I learn how to use it. Main problem over the past few months has been trying to get enough space Ive lost some good corals to other corals stinging them or the tangs eating them. The tangs have eaten about three or four of my best scollys. Luckily they seem to be leaving these remaining ones alone.

On the bright side the acro frag i got is really starting to take off and its color is great. This is the first time Ive been able to grow any SPS so Im pretty stoked with it. Hopefully I can now fill in the top half of my tank.

Best addition since my last post would be this symphillia, it eats like a pig. Im not happy with this spot its in but Im really running out of room.

My new hammer

This Nem just keeps on splitting

FTS at night

and an FTS with light on. Havent got the right ISO settings yet so it looks a little dark

Got this mandarin about 4 months ago. It was nearly dead when I bought it, its starting to put on weight and eating well but its still very skinny.