

I have 2 baby percs hosting in my Frogspawn . There is a BTA about 10" away but I never see them in it at all .


They CAN host in it but note that this family of corals are very soft skinned and clowns are somewhat "rough" on their host. I have lost 2 frogspawn and one torch Coral (in same genus of Euphyllia) due to this roughness. Actually AS I am typing this my tomato clown is grabbing food from the waters surface and diving into my Frogspawn here in my office. They just like to thrash around inside this stuff and it's a fairly fragile tissue.

so i ended up getting it. i guess you can say 3 of them since they're branched off. i have the frozen cyclopeeze, but i forgot how much he said to feed it. i think he said pinky-nail size. is that right. they're fairly small yet.
You don't need to actively feed the frogspawn. They filter feed.

filter feed on what? i dont have any pods or plankton or whatever.
also that's what i thought. was i suckered into buying the food, or should i still give it once and a while? and if so how often and how much?
ps thanks for the quick response cat


Well-Known Member
You said it is branched, are you sure it's not a torch coral. It's also a Euphylia and they branch. And yes, clowns will host in them as well, and they're easy to care for.


Well-Known Member
The clowns will love the cyclopeeze. When you feed the fish, extra stuff floats around in the water.
now, how much lighting do they need. how long should i leave the light on?

my Lighting System Features:
2 x 55 watt T5 power compacts
Both bulbs are 50/50 bulbs, half 10,000K and half Actinic
Electronic ballast
Blue LED moonlights
Fan, polished aluminum reflector and polished lens cover
Programmable light timer

this is my first coral, so i'm absolutely clueless on all aspects of owning one. i usually like to get basics down beforehand, but i did this on impulse. :smirk:


I got a "Branching FrogSpawn" shortly after getting a new light fixture shortly after setting up my tank last January. It requires at least PC lights just like mushrooms or easy zoas require.

I run my main light for 8 hours and actinics for 10 hours.

I have all 3 of the Euphyllia (Torch, Hammer and FrogSpawn) and they are of my favorite corals. Just keep in mind they can sting and some times it's a fairly painful sting (much like a bee sting) so give them room and respect. They also have the ability to send out "Sweeper Tentacles" which are merely longer and aggressive tentacles with the sole purpose of stinging and potentially killing other near-by corals. Just be sure to place them FURTHER than you'd think they need to be from corals.

Good luck and enjoy your new FrogSpawn and don't try to feed it. You'll just end up polluting your tank for no reason. It's mostly photosynthetic (makes food from your lights) with some filter feeding activity.

oh i noticed the tenticles in the bag. being a newb to corals i didn't realize that's what it was at first. for a split second when i first saw it i thought it was some kind of slime floating in the bag thinking it was contaminated. but then i'm like :away: "no one look at me, cause im a moron."
after a min i felt something on my arm like a pinching and then a little itchy. i thought i might have been stung, but i dismissed it as being a hypocondriac (if that's even the spelling, i just winged it) too lazy to look it up.
when he picked it out of the others i thought he gave me a small one, but i figured it'd be best to let it grow into my tank. after like 20 min in my tank it came all the way out long and flowing, so i'm pretty happy about it.


Well-Known Member
I have Torch, hammer, and frogspawn. They are some of my favorite corals. I one of my frogspawns next to a hairy green shroom. My pair of percs host both the frog and the mushroom. I have not seen any negetive effects yet. You will love your new coral.


Well-Known Member
I don't feed mine anything, and it's already bigger. Mine seems pretty darn happy, all wave-y and swelled up and everything. I have: 150W 14K MH run for 8 hrs. a day, plus something like an hour of actinics before and one hour after the MHs. I think I overfeed a hair, I usually feed flakes mixed with cyclopeeze, or mysis with brine and daphnia, once a day. I'll throw in various things here and there, once in a while I chop up a silverside or cooked shrimp and throw it in. Froggie, shroom, zoos, acan all seem happy. The froggie is kind of toward the bottom of the 24" high tank, he's not shaded.