Dion's 125 Build!!!


I'm still waiting for the shot with the lights on :D

You are so funny Eric.......It's not the 25 wpg you will have on your frag tank but 910watts / 92 actual gal is 9.89 wpg which I think is pretty good. Now if I had gone with the 400 x 3 that would have given me 14.89 which is more in tune with the Eric Laws but I didn't think I needed that much power.


Just a few pics.....






FTS with wide angle leds installed in Hamilton Tech Belieze Sun fixture


Whoa...beautiful. Very inspiring too. I have changed my plans...I am gonna copy your stocking in my 20g! Well, probably not, but I'd like to. Very clean also. Thanks


I love the Sailfin to, he's my fav
Thanks for all the comments I will post more pics tomorrow.

On a side note, I have a rock with lots of hole in it. Lots of open spaces on the inside. Every morning the two frags that I put into this rock are lying on their side in the sand. Every morning I put them back in. Next morning same thing over and over and over.

Well while I was sitting in front of my tank tonight I actually saw one of the frags pop out. Then about 10 min later the other. I get my flashlight out for a better look and what do I see......one of my emeralds cleaning house. He lives in the rock and I guess he doesn't like the frags in his windows. Guess I better find another spot unless I want to keep picking them up. Wish I could get a video or pic of him doing this.